Pregnant belly?


New member
Hi all!

I just found out I’m pregnant, only 4 weeks and 4 days. I’m a plus size gal, 5’6”, 275 pounds, size 20.

While I’m so excited to experience pregnancy and have this baby, I can’t help but feel a little self conscious that I won’t have a pregnancy belly and won’t even look pregnant for maternity photos. I know this should really be the least of my worries and I feel so ridiculous for even thinking about it, but I can’t help it. I have an apron belly, but what I’m most conscious of is the underboob roll or front bra bugle that I have. I keep trying to find pictures of pregnant people who have similar body types to mine and can’t seem to find any.

So I guess I’m just wondering if anyone else has a similar body type and what their experience has been with how their belly looked or body changed?
@celluloid I’m 5’3”, currently 260ish, was a size 22 prepregnancy. Currently 23w with twins.

As a plus size woman and a first time mom, it will likely be a little while before you “look” pregnant- many first timers find they don’t “pop” until 20+ weeks, even smaller girls.

I’ve found that full panel maternity pants help round out my stomach. I also have full panel maternity underwear. Without clothing, I feel like I just look fat. I have a B and an apron. When clothed, I do feel like I look pregnant.

This was last week, 22w with twins. My uterus is already measuring almost 30 weeks, so you should think of my size as that gestation lol
@celluloid I’m 5’5” and started pregnancy at 266 with an apron belly. I have the same concerns as you when I got pregnant and can tell you now being 35 weeks, you can definitely tell I am pregnant! The top of my belly started to harden around 24/25 weeks maybe? I still have a loose apron below the belly button but with pants on (and I have to wear a support belt due to SPD) and it helps round out the bottom with clothes on.
@celluloid I'm 5'10 and was about 275 when I had my baby, so I'm a bit taller than you. I definitely started looking pregnant around 6 months. By 7-8 I looked super unmistakably pregnant, and by the time baby got here I was ready to pop. There are lots of pictures of plus size pregnant people online, pages on Instagram etc. and here, and I found it very helpful to look at those. When I was about 4-5 months and just looked like my normal pudgy self I was so afraid I wouldn't get a bump, but it definitely showed up! I have full confidence you'll have a photo shoot ready bump eventually!

The attached picture is October, December, and then January the day before I had my baby. She wasn't huge either, just over 7lbs and about 45th percentile.

Oh, and congratulations!! 💓
@celluloid Congratulations!

I follow different plus size pregnant (or used to be) mamas on tiktok, it really makes me feel better to see different plus size pregnant bodies.










@caseydamon Thanks! I have been searching Tik Tok and Instagram, and I was able to find only one pregnant (or used to be!) person with my same body type on TikTok


Her videos did help a bit because I’m most worried about how my underboob roll will impact my pregnant look, as most b-belly’s I see the, the crease is lower in the stomach.
@celluloid I totally get the worry about how your body will look like during pregnancy, I did it too! All I can say is, no worry will change how your body is going to look. And no matter what it looks like, your body is so cool and strong for growing a baby and I hope you can feel it no matter what!
@celluloid I’m 5’9 and was over 300 at the start of my pregnancy. I also have an apron belly. My belly was considered a “B belly” as far as the shape. I don’t think I looked really pregnant until 30w.

I felt the same as you feeling self conscious that I just looked fat. What helped for me? I constantly rubbed my belly in public. That gave most strangers the hint that I was pregnant and I noticed a difference in how I was treated. For clothes I tried the shape wear that is supposed to round you out but I didn’t see much of a difference.
@celluloid I’m 5”7 and am 280lbs, and am about a size 20.

I noticed around week 20, my stomach seemed a bit more round and hard. It wasn’t until about week 28 or so that I really popped.

In my earlier days, if I was going somewhere and wanted to accentuate my bump I’d wear a shapewear tank top and would lift my bump up, if that makes sense. I stopped doing it once it became uncomfortable.

We got maternity photos done at 34w and it was quite obvious I was pregnant. I did make a point of holding my bump in the photos, which helped shape it as well. Here’s one of them:

Wishing you the very best!
@celluloid I’m 5”1’ and was about 246 or so when I found out I was pregnant. I’m 32 weeks and I have a big baby belly. Your belly will pop. Also check out plussizebirth on ig. Lots of pics
@celluloid You for sure will look pregnant later but also maternity photos don’t need to be important / don’t need to happen, don’t worry about them :)
@celluloid I’m currently 37 weeks, and was also a size 20 pre-pregnancy. I still have a b-belly sometimes but I mostly wear leggings and it smooths it out into a nice round bump. It may take longer for you to more obviously show but you most likely will look pregnant by the time you’re somewhere between 20-25 weeks, maybe earlier!

If you search the #plussizepregnancy hashtag on Instagram there are lots of examples of different body types/sizes. Also congratulations!!
@celluloid I’m a similar size to you and I think I started noticing my own belly around 16/18 weeks but others didn’t noticed until 22+ weeks. You will definitely get there though. I remember thinking no one could tell I was pregnant and recent saw a photo of myself during pregnancy and laughed at myself. It was very obvious lol. Also, take belly progress pics! I didn’t start until 26 weeks because I was SO self conscious and it’s one of my biggest regrets now.