Preeclampsia and 34 Week Di/Di Twin Boys

@codymcg I have modi twins and developed preeclampsia at 35 weeks. I had been symptomatic prior but wasn’t technically in the range. My blood pressure usually is 100s/60s and was running 130-140s which is quite a significant increase for me but on paper still seems “safe.” I was also dizzy, short of breath, had headaches, frothy urine (indicating protein). My urine had protein but labs were only slightly elevated so they said I was ok.

Anyway! At 35 weeks I was finally in the range (had persistent blood pressures in the 140-160 range). I went to L&D for triage, was medicated and improved, so I was sent home and within a few days I went back with a really terrible headache and a blood pressure of 180s/110s. I was admitted on a Thursday, induced on Friday, and delivered Saturday morning which was our 36 week mark. No NICU time as babies did well. One weighed 5 lb 6 oz, and one was 5lb 13 oz. One twin did have low blood sugar (I also had gestational diabetes) and required dextrose gel but stabilized quickly and stayed in the room with us the whole time.

My husband helped alot in helping me stay calm. At some point there’s not much you can do, the placenta just takes over and causes these issues. My husband kept reminding me that it wasn’t my fault and there wasn’t much we could do about it other than get the babies delivered if needed. He
Also made it very clear that my health was important and as much as we wanted to help the babies by keeping them in as long as possible, my health came first.
He also supported me as I worked through the situation by acknowledging how I felt and admitting that he also felt scared and overwhelmed, but that he trusted my body and our team and if it was time, then it was time.
He also did research so that he could hit me with facts (I like evidence) when I started to get overwhelmed with the situation and needed something solid to hold onto.

You and your wife probably already know how to help the other and have done it before. Go back to those basics and apply it to this! Like I said, my husband knows statistics and facts make me feel better, so he made sure he had info so when I needed it, it was there. He also knew I was doubtful of my body and so he was very encouraging and supportive and helped me push through.
@codymcg Us! Same issues dx at 33w2d. At 33w6d my liver enzymes were elevated, my platelets decreased, and I was going into HELLP syndrome. Babies came at 34 wks, just in time before the insurance year ended. 10 and 17 day course NICU stays (and my Caesarean section) for my babies that cost me a grand total of less than 2K! (It was supposed to be 5+).

Best way my husband helped is my taking away my car keys, handing me a sandwich and making me park my behind in a couch with a comfy blanket.

Good luck Dada!
@codymcg My sister had severe pre-eclampsia with her di/di twin girls (who are identical).

She delivered at 36 weeks and her babies were both just over 4lbs. No nicu time required 💕

All the best!
@codymcg I had almost the exact same situation as you guys although my doctors weren’t taking me that seriously. I had gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. My blood pressure started getting high at 34 weeks (140s-160s/90s-110). They said they couldn’t do anything for me and to just wait it out. So when I went to my last growth scan at 36 +1 at my mfm I told them I’d been having high blood pressure and a lot of other pre eclampsia symptoms and I did not feel good. They took my blood pressure in the office that day and then sent me over to labor and delivery to get the babies out since there wasn’t any benefit to keeping them in. C section was ok but I had some complications. Babies were both great though. 5lbs even and 7lbs 2 oz. No nicu time and we went home 3.5 days later
@codymcg I started showing signs of it at 34 weeks. Then my next weekly appointment showed blood pressure climbing with my urine protein at 2+. So I was admitted right away and scheduled for a c section that very evening. Thank god I avoided the magnesium drip because that stuff makes me feel like I got hit by a bus. The boys were 4 lb 15 oz and 4 lb 5 oz. Both were healthy but had to stay in the NICU for about 10 days, not too bad for debuting at 35 weeks.
@codymcg Di/di 10 months old boys here! I had early signs of pre eclampsia but was sent home around 35 weeks. Ended up getting induced at 38 weeks. I ended up laboring for 36 hours and during that time, I was full blown pre-eclamptic. I ended up getting an emergency c section. No nicu time. I’d just say roll with the punches, trust your guts and your doctor and honestly, if they are in the nicu, they will be in good hands. You’ve got this, Sam!
@codymcg I was diagnosed around that same time. I made it to 35.5 when I had +2 protein and I slew of other markers. Induced that day, 24 hours later I delivered 2 healthy but small babies. 4.12 and 5.8. No nicu time and we went home 3 days later when they finally passed their car seat test.
@codymcg We had a very similar experience! :) Our OB sent us to the hospital at 34 weeks because I had elevated blood pressure and we didn’t come home until our girls were born. We found out I had preeclampsia while at the hospital and was basically told to keep my activity super low and try to relax. I was taking adalat to lower my blood pressure and trying to make it to my scheduled c-section date at 37 weeks, but didn’t. Our girls were born one minute apart by emergency c-section at 4.5lbs and 4.85lbs at 36 weeks, and we were sent home two days after they were born. Now 19 weeks and thriving!

Good luck with everything! You guys are so close to the finish line. Advice - take all the newborn and postpartum supplies from the hospital, and ask to speak with a lactation specialist if there’s one available. Enjoy the moments together (and the sleep that you can get! 😛) Twins is a wild ride but it is so rewarding to get to know two little special humans. 💓💓

Edit: Also, high blood pressure is very common in pregnancies with twins. My levels went back to normal fairly quickly after returning home. It would also be helpful to get a blood pressure monitor to do daily checks once you guys are discharged from the hospital. If you have any q’s, don’t hesitate to ask!