Pre existing high blood pressure


New member
Does anyone have experience with pre existing high blood pressure? I’m 6 weeks along now and have been on blood pressure meds for years. I was taking losartan before I became pregnant but since it’s not safe for the baby I had to go off of it. I went 4 days with no meds until my doctor called me in labetalol 100mg. My blood pressure was controlled prior to getting pregnant but now I’m getting readings between 140-150/80-94. Im a very anxious person so I’m sure that’s not helping but I’m kind of freaking out. I’ve been on the new meds for 1.5 days and my readings are still that high. I’m struggling with feeling very guilty about getting pregnant and possibly harming the baby because of my blood pressure. Anyone have a similar experience? How long did it take for the new meds to lower your readings?
@essamtarik I don’t have high blood pressure but on the off chance no one has asked, are you doing anything to address anxiety? From my knowledge, anxiety can increase blood pressure so working on breathing and meditation might be something to look into during pregnancy as a support (not instead of meds of course, just to aid). Please disregard if this is totally unwanted, do not mean to offend.
@essamtarik I went from atenolol to labetalol during pregnancy. It’s a pain in the butt having to take it twice a day, but no big deal. It’s been successful for me so far, and I am 37 weeks tomorrow. I did have an extra month of non stress tests for additional monitoring, and I did not have to change my dose. I stayed on two baby aspirin that were a carried over from IVF.

My team of OBs are very happy and surprised that I did not get preeclampsia or gestational diabetes like they predicted. They are letting me induce during week 39 as a result. I definitely worked on managing my stress during pregnancy, but honestly, after a couple years of IVF, it was such a relief to be successfully pregnant. I made sure that I had a good balance between work and my relationships that are very supportive, which helped to keep the rumination under control. Induction is set for December 5th for me already, and I can’t believe it’s flown by.

I hope you are excited for your pregnancy nonetheless! Give yourself grace. There’s only so much you can control, and while this is a stressful time, it can also be a joyful time. Your team will help you manage a safe pregnancy for you and your little one. You are not alone, and there are many of us here who have had excellent outcomes despite chronic hypertension.
@essamtarik Hi there. I have been taking lebetalol twice a day for about a year and am 5 weeks, 1 day. Just want to check in and see how is everything? Is baby okay and healthy? How are you? I’m so worried about being on lebetalol while baby is developing
@jhohua Unfortunately we lost our twins the week before Christmas at 10 weeks. It had absolutely nothing to do with the medicine though. It’s a very common drug for pregnant women to take so I wouldn’t worry too much about it! Congratulations!
@essamtarik I had hypertension that was pre existing before this pregnancy. I also take labetelol. I’m no doctor but it sounds like they might have to increase your dose. Maybe message them a copy of your readings and see what their advice is. They deal with this routinely so they’ll know what to do. If it’s any consolation I’m 38 weeks now and scheduled to deliver my baby on Tuesday so you can still have a positive outcome even with pre existing high BP! Congratulations on your pregnancy:)
@essamtarik I had undiagnosed high BP before pregnancy. I was also on anxiety meds but quit taking them around 18 weeks under doctor supervision. I had to start nifedipine early and am up to 90mg but ::knock on wood:: lately my pressure has been tame. I started counseling for anxiety and that has been helpful!
@essamtarik Before ttc we tried to switch from metoprolol to a calcium channel blocker. My heart rate spiked too much and bp was not great. Went back on metoprolol and my ob said we'll just monitor me closely and make sure baby is gaining weight. I'm also on sertraline after an early loss a few months ago. They said I can stay on that for now. I'm at 6 and 3 now with this pregnancy. So far bp is well controlled but my hr can get a little elevated yet. I'm sure it's anxiety and dehydration though.