PPROM at 33.1 weeks B/G twins


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After a few days of thinking I was just experiencing incontinence, woke up this morning and decided the “small leaks” were worth getting checked out. Turns out it was definitely amniotic fluid.

We’re admitted to hospital for antibiotics and steroids for babies. And sounds like we’ll be staying here until delivery (which they’re hoping can make it to 34)…

Even tho I knew twins can come early. I’m feeling so scared and overwhelmed. Also kicking myself for not coming in earlier, and so worried about the babies being OK this early.

Any positive experiences with PPROM would be appreciated. 💕
@archeologistica I was admitted to hospital with my first at 33 weeks and went into labour at 33+5. I was able to get steroid shots for baby’s lungs and I really think that definitely helped. Baby was 4lb 7oz at birth! When she was born, she didn’t need any help with breathing! Just needed to learn to feed and grow! We were in the NICU for 3 weeks when we were discharged.

Our little girl is a smart and lively almost 3 year old. She was slower to learn her gross motor skills but today, no one would know she crawled later than most other babies lol
@archeologistica Singleton but made it 5 weeks after PPROM with complete rupture. Baby came home at equivalent of 38 weeks and turns 5 next month! Perfectly healthy and happy. Good luck you’ve got this!
@archeologistica PPROM at 33 weeks and gave birth at 34+5. Baby was 5lbs 6oz - 5 days in NICU as a feeder/grower and is doing well at home now at 3 months! Antepartum was difficult; try to catch up on some reading/tv shows. You’ve got this!!
@archeologistica Waters broke round twin 1 at 27+6 and I delivered both at 31+1 vaginally when he decided enough was enough. He was in NICU for 70 days and on oxygen for a further 6 weeks at home but he/they are perfect now 😀 you’ve made it to a good gestation. Look after yourself and let everyone look after you!
@archeologistica Listen friend - do not kick yourself for not going in earlier! Pregnancy does weird stuff to our bodies and it's so hard to know what's normal and what's not. With one of my pregnancies I had PPROM and I literally had no idea - I thought baby was just squashing my bladder and making me pee a bit!

So focus on the positives. You are there now. Babies have had their steriods. At 33 weeks they've had plenty of time to cook.

My son is in the NICU right now. He was born at 33+2. Luckily we got the steriods so he hasn't needed any breathing assistance, he just needs to learn to feed (not even fatten up as he was 5lbs 5oz at birth). Honestly I was scared like you to begin with but now I can see that this NICU stay isn't the end of the world.

Good luck OP! I hope your babies come out healthy and happy in a few weeks time!
@archeologistica My boys came at 26 weeks 2 days from PPROM—I told my OB I was noticing some fluid leaking and cramping, she said it was totally normal and not to worry. I went to the hospital anyway the following morning and my twins were already well on their way out—one guy was crowning. They arrived right away from totally random and unexplained PPROM. I went over and over in my mind every way I could have caused it, but I think it just happens sometimes. And try not to blame yourself for not going in earlier—it truly truly isn’t your fault and you’re getting the care you need now. My twins are almost 20 months old now and doing so well. The NICU time was really hard, but we got through it and have two thriving toddlers.
@archeologistica I am literally laying on my couch with my PPROM 28 weeker sleeping loudly on my chest right now (she is 1 week old adjusted, but we have been home a few weeks). It was scary, it was hell, it felt never ending... 70 days in the NICU. Just breathe and send good vibes to the kiddos, you already love each other so much. I literally got through it all just one hour at a time and my little girl is absolutely fine (but my goodness, the lungs on that child).
@archeologistica I PPROMd at 32.6 and made it two weeks before delivery. I also had no idea I ruptured and didn't mention it until the very end of my OB appointment (a day after my water broke). I expected my water breaking to be like the movies and it was much less anticlimactic. Definitely do not kick yourself.

The steroid shots and rounds of antibiotics helped once I got to the hospital. My baby was just a feeder and grower in the NICU.

For hospital comforts, I had my husband bring some things from home- books, an iPad, my pregnancy pillow, comfortable clothes, nice slippers etc. Those comforts of home helped during the longer hospital stay. Also snacks! Hospital food is awful, especially when that pregnant haha.

I'm hoping you all hang in there a bit longer and have a short, uneventful NICU stay!