PPROM at 29 weeks

@aceofgod hello i was admitted for Promm when i was exactly 33 weeks they were going to induce me when i hit 34 weeks they said the risk of infection from me leaking fluid would just get higher and that it wouldnt be beneficial for her to be in there any longer than that , my baby decided she wanted out 4 days after i was admitted so i went into natural labor.
@aceofgod I PPROM'd at 28 weeks and had my twins at 30.5 - I wish we could have hung in there longer but 2.5 weeks was still wonderful. Every day counts!
@aceofgod Obviously very hard to say, which is why you’re surrounded by people with MDs. I PPROM’d at 29+2 and gave birth to twins 9 hours later. The one thing they told me which gave me some reassurance was that if the babies were coming after my water broke, it was for a good reason and they didn’t want to fully stop my labor. The idea is that PPROM is occasionally due to a subclinical infection and it’s more dangerous for the baby to stay in. It’s traumatizing regardless and I hope you can stay pregnant as long as it’s healthy for everyone.
I ended up having him on Monday morning! I went into labor again around 3am and he was born around 11am. Exactly 3 days after my water broke. Magnesium held off labor at least long enough to get both rounds of steroid shots thankfully. He’s in the NICU now and doing well.