PPROM at 29 weeks


New member
How long did you last after PPROM? I have a history of preterm labor and delivery so I was having cervical length checks until about 25 weeks. Everything was closed and I was still about 2.8cm at my last check. I was hopeful I’d make it further than my last preemie (34+0), but I guess not.

I started bleeding like a period on 3/5 and went into triage. They checked my cervix and it was still closed, and they did a quick NST and sent me home on pelvic rest. The bleeding subsided for a couple of days and then returned as spotting on Sunday. I followed up with my OB on Tuesday and she said not to worry. It could be my cervix changing, and just to go back in if anything drastic happened.
Bleeding picked back up on Thursday night and I was having irregular contractions. Then Friday morning my water broke at 29 + 6. I was admitted to l&d. They confirmed it was PPROM and I was 3cm dilated and contracting every 5 mins. I was given magnesium, steroid shots, and antibiotics. They told me I’ll be here until I deliver (34 weeks at the latest).

Magnesium stopped the contractions at first, but mild ones started back up last night and baby was having HR decels during them. Today they’ve gotten consistent at every 20 mins so they rechecked me. They said I’m still 3cm dilated but 90% effaced and they can feel baby’s head. I feel pressure in my hips during them now too. I’m 30+1 today. Is there any chance I’ll still hold on another 2 weeks? I’m worried that if things keep up like this, he’ll be here within the next 48 hours. But as far as NICU time goes, I’d so love if he’d stay put until he’s 32 weeks at least. What are the chances?
@notcrosskill What week did you rupture?! And did they know the cause? They told me they wouldn’t let me go past 34 weeks regardless due to risk of infection, but they didn’t think I’d make it that far anyway
@aceofgod I ruptured at 17 weeks, I was on bedrest until I could be admitted to the hospital at 21 and 6. I gave birth to a honestly pretty healthy 25 weeker who is doing amazing right now.
The only reason I went into labor is because the baby started having decels on the NST, so they did a emergency c section.
I have no clue why I PPROM’d but after meeting my daughter and seeing her attitude I feel like she did it just to spite me 😂
Wow that’s amazing you made it all the way to 25 weeks after such an early PPROM! What a feisty little miracle lol.
@aceofgod She is feisty! Lol you've got this, drink a lot of water and I know the magnesium is rough, but I got extra (65 total hours) and my baby had no brain bleeds. It was worth it, ask them if you show more signs of labor to put you on a continuous drip.
@aceofgod Hey! I PPROMed at 28+0 for no apparent reason, went to the hospital and was induced 9 days later because ultrasound showed baby’s insufficient blood circulation. I was able to get two steroid shots and 10 hour drip of magnesium, so my baby came out at 29+2 in very good condition! Doctors say it made all the difference. Currently she is 33+4 and has no complications. We are just learning to finish the whole bottle :)

What I am trying to say is that even if your baby was born now, they would most likely be fine. They will probably be breathing on their own and their brain got a good boost thanks to the magnesium.

Wish you all the best for the upcoming weeks!
@vikuteee9 Thank you for the encouragement! And yes, I’m very happy to have made it as far as I have. It seems like there’s not usually long term effects for babies born at this gestation thankfully. I just know that the NICU stay for a 30 weeker is usually around 2 months and a 32 weeker can sometimes get away with only 2-3 weeks. My 34+0 baby only had an 11 day stay as a feeder/grower and that felt long enough lol. I guess either way, we’re in a decent spot.. and we’re at a level 3 NICU that’s only 15 mins from home. So he’s in the best place he can be.
@aceofgod Wife PPROM’d with twins at 27 weeks and lasted to 32 +2 but never had any contractions. Bleeding was getting significantly worse and the doctors made the decision it was time. Hang in there and goodluck!
@aceofgod Sending you and bub strength!

When I had PPROM at 33 weeks my doctor told me the stats are a 50% chance people go into labour in the next 48 hours from rupture and around a 70-90% chance they go into labour within the next seven days. I went into spontaneous labour 5 days after the rupture, luckily still in hospital.
@aceofgod I had some very very light pink amniotic fluid since my water broke. The doctors said it could be just cervix irritation or a very slight placental abruption. I woke up on the day of 31+6 with HEAVY bleeding and had had a partial placental abruption and labor had started

I got 2 courses of steroids while pregnant which helped a ton! He never needed breathing support. He was a grower in the nicu and just had some small digestive issues he outgrew (and terrible terrible reflux). He was in the nicu for 1 month and came home at 36w
@aceofgod My story with pprom is a lot younger than most I see. I started noticing leakage with that I thought was discharge around 18 weeks. The next week I had the anatomy scan and showed absolutely no fluid. No diagnosis. I have type one diabetes since age 3, and have since found how easily it is for Diabetic Ketoacidosis to occur during pregnancy
This was now my 2nd episode with him. I was throwing up at home and the pressure from it.. I lost so much fluid. I looked like I peed myself but I knew better. It was amniotic fluid, and it also smelled sweet. I knew. I was diagnosed in the L&D department that night with PPROM since 18w.

I was admitted "to keep you pregnanct/monitoring" Feb 13th, just shy of a month ago. I was there a mere.. 5 days?? Had magnesium, antibiotics, steroids for his lungs.. he was born on the 18th. Originally we were told to go in on the 20th but one night I felt something in my vagina. Almost like kicks now and then but very much lower than what I had gotten used to. I was 1cm dilated and he had a little leg slip through, and contractions starting. They finally checked an hour later and I was immediately rushed for a emergency c-section. It was extremely traumatic. Afterwards I was told they had to push him back up to bring him out. I hope your delivery goes much easier. You're baby is a lot bigger than mine was. We probably would've been very close in age.. best wishes and all the love for you guys
@aceofgod I had PPROM at 31+1 and baby came at 36+1! I was in hospital for 40 days and while I was there the midwives and doctors told me many stories of women who “lived” there with ruptured membranes for up to 12 weeks!
@aceofgod I stayed pregnant for 9 days after PPROM. My water unexpectedly broke at 29 weeks and 5 days and I delivered at exactly 31 weeks.

My son spent 7 weeks in the NICU.

He's 2.5 years old now and doing absolutely fantastic. It was a bumpy road those first 20 months though. After he was discharged from the NICU, he had to have physical therapy and then speech therapy. But wow! He's been doing fantastic ever since. Absolutely incredible.

I have some PTSD from the whole experience but I go to therapy for it.