PPROM’d at 30+2, currently 30+4, getting cerclage removed today


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Hey everyone! I PPROM’d at 30+2 days, and had the opportunity to get both steroid shots in for baby’s lungs, and I’m on antibiotics to fight infection (no infection currently). No cause of the PPROM aside from the fact I had a short cervix and needed to get a cerclage at 22 weeks. Today I get my stitch removed and baby can come anytime after that. If she doesn’t arrive before 34 weeks they will deliver her. She’s breech so she’ll be delivered via c-section.

Depending on when she arrives and how well she does, we are looking at least 2-6 weeks of NICU time. The doctors are all so happy we made it this far and confident in her ability to do well outside the womb at this point.

Does anyone have any advice or words of wisdom? So nervous/interested to see how things progress after my stitch is removed. Since I don’t have an amniotic sac protecting baby at this point they won’t make any effort to stop labor because of risk of infection to baby without that sac.
@daniel7799 Just a heads up, I'd be prepared for the longer side of a NICU stay if she comes anytime before 34 weeks. My twins were born at 35 weeks and still had a 2 week NICU stay. Not trying scare you, just make sure to set your expectations to the right level. Good luck and I hope your little girl does well!
@daniel7799 I had my first baby at 29+2 after I PPROM’d at home. He was born 12 hours later so not enough time for the steroid shots to take effect. We had a relatively uneventful NICU stay that lasted 6 weeks. He is 2.5 and the light of my life with no long term health issues we’ve seen. You’ve done an amazing job getting to this point and anything else is just bonus grow time for baby. Good job Momma!
@ritress Thank you for sharing!! That is so amazing to hear. After so many truly terrifying conversations with Drs when my short cervix was first discovered at 22 weeks, the conversations with Drs now at 30+4 seem downright relaxing in comparison. We feel so grateful to have made it this far. I know there will be bumps in the road, but staying positive at this point is a lot easier than it was two months ago. We will keep the faith! Thank you again
@daniel7799 I PPROMed at 30+3 and made it to 32+2 before my son decided it was time to greet the world. My hospital stay was uneventful so I really thought I would make it to 34 but sometimes labor just starts and you have to go with it. I try to be grateful that I was able to give him an extra two weeks because it was disheartening at first to not make it to 34.We have been in the NICU just over a week. He is doing incredibly well but I'm still expecting to be here quite a while. During my own hospital stay I felt pretty good about things and how I would handle this new journey. Now that my son is actually here and a patient himself my emotions have been pretty intense and all over the place. I'm sure post partum hormones are not helping things. It was really hard for me to keep coming back here initially after being a patient myself for two weeks, I'm really tired of this place. My only advice is feel your feelings, know they may be a rollercoaster at times, and when your little one arrives try to enjoy the good moments. I type this from my son's NICU room while he naps on my chest during his tube feeding. This moment feels pretty precious so these are the moments I try to catalogue in my mind to take with me when I go home each day.
@daniel7799 My daughter was born at 30w1day. Promed at 28w5d was given both steroid shots. She was in the nicu for 7 weeks basically for oxygen. We did come home on oxygen at 37 weeks. She fed and grew grate but our set back was her lungs. Her lungs were underdeveloped which was probably from my water being broken for almost 2 weeks in which she had no fluid. But they do say 30weekers are supposed to be good so praying for you
@daniel7799 I ppromed at 31+4 and delivered at 33+2. My hospital stay was going smooth and had my induction date set for 35 weeks( since I tested negative for gbs)
Baby had his own plans and was I rushed for an emergency c section. I also received steriods and antibiotics before. He was in the nicu for 30 days. Spent about 2 weeks on NIV, Cpap, room air and another 2 weeks as a feeder +grower. Hope you’re LO can continue to cook for as long as possible.
@daniel7799 Are you hospitalized? I PPROM’d at 18w5d and delivered at 27w4d. We had an 82 day Nicu stay. Rest and hydrate as much as you can and try to build that fluid back up especially if she is breach. I was hospitalized long enough to get a 2nd round of steroids for his lungs and I swear it made a huge difference. He was only intubated for 8 days.
@katrina2017 Did you contract at all during your stay? I PPROM'd at 19w2d and am currently admitted 24w6d today. I started having contractions almost 24 hours ago + heavy bleeding and they turned on magnesium. As of now I haven't dilated further so they haven't declared active labor yet. Did you have any scares during your stay?
@bezel I contracted the first night I was admitted at 22w6d but I didn’t feel it and they think it was dehydration. The only other time I started contracting was when I ended up giving birth and it escalated very quickly. I had bleeding on and off from 20 weeks though. It is terrifying, I was just looking back at pics I took of it today while clearing room on my phone. My heart is totally and completely with you. And the mag SUCKS! I hated how I felt on it. Are you feeling contractions consistently? Are you able to sleep during them? I hope this passes for you and you’re able to cook much longer! ❤️
@katrina2017 The bleeding seems to be lightening up as of now! As for contractions they're super random ranging from every 20-30 minutes to minutes apart and then back to sporatic. I've bled 3 times before now beginning at 20 weeks also but this is the first time having contractions. My baby seems unphased by any of it and the doctors are quite confused about why I'm contracting in such odd rhythms. Thank you for responding! It's reassuring to talk to someone else who ruptured so early ❤️
@bezel My little guy was stable throughout my contractions too. Have they done a cervical check on you recently to see if you’ve progressed in dilation/ effacement? After I delivered they sent my placenta to pathology to see if they need to treat baby for anything and it came back with a stage 1 infection which had caused it to start to detach which caused the sporadic bleeding and my body to go in to labor. Have they done an ultrasound to check on your placenta?
@katrina2017 As of right now they believe I've started labor ): I started having super painful contractions after almost 30 hours of bearing them. I was just rechecked and I'm currently at 5cm dilated but no head pressing down yet. I did also JUST recieve the epidural because I absolutely couldn't stand the pain anymore. The bleeding has subsided a bit but they do suspect I am/was having another slight abruption of the placenta. Im hoping baby boy stays cooking just a tiny bit longer, even if its just for 2 more days. Also just recieved the first shot of the second and final round of rescue steroids so I'm hoping to get the next in 24 hours if he's still not here!
@bezel Have you spoke with anyone in the Nicu about what you expect/ what will happen once you deliver? If not I strongly suggest asking the nurses to facilitate that for you. 25 weeks is a good gestational age given our circumstances but they will still be extra careful with his lungs and intubate immediately. Make sure you ask a nurse or your partner to take pics. I have pics of him fresh out while cutting the cord and they are precious to me. Take deep breaths, you’ve got this and I’ll be thinking/praying(if you want me to) for you. Whatever the outcome you have tried your best and done everything in your power to get to this point. Mother’s ultimate sacrifice!
@daniel7799 I also had short cervix at 22 weeks, but they didn’t want to do a cerclage because it was my first pregnancy and I was put in progesterone. At 31w4d I started cramping and bleeding. I was admitted because I was 5cm dilated. I went in on a Monday night and my baby girl was born Friday in the early morning at 32w2d. They had me on strict bed rest up until Wednesday they let me get up to use the restroom. I was also able to get my steroid shots. Baby girl came out pink and crying. She was on oxygen for like one day. For her entire nicu stay she was pretty much on the ng tube until she learned to take the bottle and she was on caffeine because she would forget to breathe here and there. She ended up staying in nicu for 3 weeks and 4 days.
@daniel7799 I PPROMed at 24 weeks and went into labor at 25. Kiddo is 3 now and an amazing spitfire of a perfect human!! She’d no doubt be perfect no matter what but fwiw she’s had no long term health or development issues.

Highly recommend the book Preemies as a reference book. Also know that NICU stays are hard! They call them a rollercoaster but I don’t like rollercoaster so i always envisioned riding the waves instead :) But you’ll get through it. If people want to help get them to make easy to eat/heat meals and take out gift cards etc. Sending best wishes for a few more wees of cooking and a healthy bean!
@daniel7799 My twins PPROMed at 28+0 (baby A), delivered at 31+3 after steroids and they both stayed in for close to 2 months. I’d prep for a longer stay but I have all the confidence in your baby! Good luck!! 🍀
@daniel7799 word of advice from a nicu mama, menatlly prepare for a longer nicu stay! my baby was in the nicu longer than the estimate they told us and it crushed me everytime they said “a couple more days!” prepare for the 6 week stay even if the full 6 weeks dont happen, it’ll help you and your mental health significantly! also take advantage of the nicu stay as bad as this will sound, rest as much as you can because once baby gets home you’ll get little to no rest lol! that first week postpartum is hell! so my advice is mentally prepare for a longer nicu stay even if it doesn’t happen so you wont need heart broken, and REST WHILE YOU CAN! 🫶🏻