Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

@ssandy How cool! I've always been interested at the overlap (and completely no overlap sometimes) between sociology and psychology. I'd love to hear more about your research and will totes update you on mine too!

(And thanks for taking the survey ♥️)
@slick77 You can totally take it! I have a question on age so I can measure that as a variable.

Side note - I nursed my son until after his second birthday, and those last few months were the most amazing bonding moments that I still miss. It's so awesome that you're able to keep it going with your toddler!!
@willubraptured2 I am also nursing an older baby who eats solids. The question about whether we need to supplement doesn’t have an option for EBF + solids, so I just picked EBF because we never needed to supplement with formula.

Also, some advice - some of your questions have affirmative as the top option and some as the bottom, so you’re going to get incorrect data. Also, the wording is very confusing regarding seeking support - is it asking if I have ANYONE in my life who I go to or just my husband? The question is phrased like anyone but the responses all say romantic partner. It’s going to be very hard for you to interpret these results as some responders will restrict their answers to their feelings regarding a single romantic partner, but others will respond with regards to their entire support system.