Positive Vaginal Delivery of DiDi twins!


New member
TLDR: induction, 6 hours start to finish, vaginal delivery, epidural, positive!

I actually gave birth last year but I never posted my story and figured some people might like to hear a positive birth story!
I had gone back and forth about whether I should have a C-section or try for vaginal. My OB doesn’t do breech extractions so my risk was high for having to have a C-section for Baby B. I was actually scheduled for a C-section on a Tuesday but when we saw both babies were head down at my last check we decided to proceed with an induction the Sunday before.

I came in to be induced with my di/di twins at 37+5. Pregnancy was relatively smooth other than for some rough hyperemesis at the start and some stable weight discordance between the two. I had been having Braxton hicks for weeks and had lost my mucus plug around 35-36 weeks so I had been expecting labor for a while but somehow these two held on. By the time I came in for my induction at 11am (after being bumped from 7am) I was already 4cm and 80% effaced so I was probably pretty close to labor anyways. I got settled and pitocin was started around 1pm then my water was broken for Baby A at around 2:30pm after which my contractions got immediately pretty painful. They were actually manageable on just the pitocin. At that point I was 5-6cm after having my water broken. I had the epidural placed which was quick and pretty painless. I was rechecked at 4pm and was 7cm. I had a foley placed after which my contractions started feeling immediately more painful and I felt pushy. I was rechecked only 30 mins later I had progressed to a 10 and was ready to push! Baby A had been descending so it took just a few contractions and she was out bun under 2 minutes! She was quiet but alert at birth and they took her to be checked so I didn’t get to hold her for a while, but she was just fine. Then I had to get Baby B out which was a lot harder. I had a nurse and another OB holding onto Baby B’s body in my belly so that he’d stay head down and I had to wait a bit to let him descend. Then his water was broken and I waited a little more for the dilation to go back to 10 (it went down to 8 after A was born). Once he got into position I started pushing and it was a lot harder than for Baby A. Turns out he was sunny side up and his head was a full inch larger! I pushed for about an hour and seriously felt like quitting, I was so exhausted and having him hang out in the birth canal was so uncomfortable. My OB got a vacuum ready just in case but luckily I was able to get him out with a few more contractions and he was born 59 minutes after his sister! I ended up with a small 2 degree tear after pushing out Baby B but otherwise no complications! Recovery was a breeze, so much better than being full term with twins! I am so blown away by how quick and smooth the labor was. Only 3.5 hours from the start of pitocin to pushing! I think my body was just very ready and didn’t need much coaxing. Pushing Baby B was the hardest part of the entire process because I had to get him into position and he was facing the wrong way. My first delivery took 28 hours, my epidural failed completely, I went septic with a fever of 102.9, and was delirious, so this was an amazing experience in comparison! I don’t know what I did to deserve such a quick and smooth labor but I’m grateful for it! It definitely made up for the rough time I had with my firstborn.

Hope this story gives you hope!
@smf97 Awww this reminded me of my twin birth! Mine was about the same duration and a wonderful experience. I was prepared for a lot of outcomes and was lucky to have a really good one. I’m glad you had the same!