@7caldwell I was in for reduced movements a few times so on the 5th feb one day before my due date I was in for an induction at 14;00. I was 0cm dilated, cervix was long and far back and I was getting no contractions, I had a pessary, got it taken out 24 hours later on my due date and I was 2cm and the midwife could very nicely get her fingers up. I got home at 16:30 that day to wait for a call within the week to get my waters broken and 2 hours after I got home my waters broke.
Get admitted at 00:00, oxytocin in at 2, active labour started at 4, no pain relief until 10am, epidural was a doozy I was loving life, wore off about 17:00 and she wasn’t progressing past 6cm so I got threatened with an emergency c-section if things hadn’t changed in an hour, they came to top my epidural up but I started to shout that I needed a poo, they examined me I was at 10cm and she was born at 19:26! I had a second degree tear but that was meh, not as scary as I’d have thought.
So my induction process began at 14:00 5th February and she was here by 20:00 7th February