@smh86 Also from the UK and absolutely zero people I know that are not American or American adjacent (spouse, friends that are American etc.) even know what sleep training is, let alone do it. Probably the main reason why is we get a long maternity leave so have to grin and bear it.
@pchris The year is 1985 in the new world, Dr. Ferber has just finished telling Congress about how he has solved the great baby sleep conundrum thereby negating the need for a federally mandated maternity leave…

Jokes aside, don’t kick your American friends while they are down! At least I went from 2 weeks of leave with my first to FOUR weeks of leave with my second…
@smh86 Yeah it’s horrendous, absolutely despicable tbh!! But I meant there isn’t as much of culture around schedules here as it isn’t as necessary. I would 1 million percent sleep train my child as soon as possible if I was somehow expected to do a full time job 2wpp. Madness. You all deserve better,
@felipeoliveir Yea I never understood the "amazing tips" in that book either. The general consensus from these sleep gurus seems to be starting earlier (6m) the better, you will have to let them cry. Give yourself a time limit for how long you will let it go on for. Go in and help. Do not pick them up. Leave. Repeat until you give up and try again the next night. Follow appropriate wake windows!