@rexbog_4597 Around 8 months I think.

She’s a terrible sleeper. I tried Ferber for like 2-3 months and every time when she was supposed to cry less, she never cried less.

Drowsy but awake worked over time. Now she doesn’t want to be held at all and goes right down bc she loves rolling around in her crib.
@felipeoliveir I’m so with you! Every time someone says they have a “gentle sleep training method” it’s like “just put the baby down and only pick them up if they really cry.” So… immediately???
@felipeoliveir It worked for me but like the book says it works very very slow unless you jump to SLIP. If I wasn’t seeing small improvements I would have absolutely given up and donated the book. But every baby is so different I hope her sleep improves soon!
@felipeoliveir I have a gentle sleep guide in my profile, if that helps.

Maybe give baby a chance method?

Also schedule really can help, especially staying up a long enough time before bed.

I found the sleep theory in PLS more helpful than the actual methods.
@cass4kin I tried when she was younger too - no dice on being put down in her crib awake sadly. I’ve tried basically every couple of days for her entire life save for a couple of weeks here and there. 😞 she sleeps in there for stretches at night if she falls asleep on me, but can’t get her to fall asleep by herself in there. I’m from the UK and we don’t do CIO / Ferber here, it’s just not done.
@felipeoliveir UK also - Do you by any chance trawl mumsnet when wide awake with a baby? They seem very against sleep training/anything that involves babies making even the slightest whimper 😂 which also lead me to think either people here didn’t do these methods or they did them on the downlow
@felipeoliveir thats incorrect. i am from the uk and all four of my kids have been sleep trained with extinction and ferber as have many of my friends kids!
if its something you want to try what does it matter what you think anyone else is doing?
@tito1990 I don’t want to try it. I just meant it’s not really a widespread thing but I might be wrong. I follow all nhs guidance and there’s no mention of any kind of sleep training in the nhs guidance around sleep.
@felipeoliveir 🤦🏽‍♀️ what does teaching your child to sleep have to do with the nhs?
i'm not sure why you are in a sleep training group if you don't want to try it.
trying something a different way every other day isnt teaching your child consistency
@felipeoliveir Never heard of people in the UK not using them. I have no advice for you as the SWAP methods were a no go with us too. However, Ferber worked. All the best to you and your baby.
@felipeoliveir Sometimes babies cry. I’m not sure there’s any way to do anything with a baby without them crying at all! It’s one of the very few ways they have to communicate.

If your baby cries during diaper changes, baths, or car rides in car seats, do you just stop doing those things because the baby is crying? Or did you persevere and find that once baby got used to the process of diaper changes, baths, or riding in a car seat, she stopped crying? Much like all those other things, there’s almost no way to get your baby to just start falling asleep happily in the crib on her own if she’s never done it before. She’s allowed to be frustrated and express her dislike of this new thing, just like she has in the past with new activities she wasn’t an initial fan of, and you can help her deal with those feelings without just stopping the activity. But if you don’t want to hear her express her frustration or dislike, there’s just not much to be done except to keep doing what you’re doing if that is working to prevent any crying from your baby.
@lemar349 I agree with your general point. We used a gentle sleep training method and it worked. However, your point on the car seat didn’t hold true in our case. My baby is 6 months and SCREAMS for every car ride 😭
@felipeoliveir Whether you are from the UK or not, if you are having no success with “gentle” methods ( the quotes are there because these “gentle” methods often wind up with more crying, so are not all that gentle ) why not give Ferber or CIO a chance? You don’t have to tell your UK friends why you are able to sleep!