Please help with my wash routine! I feel like I've tried everything and am feeling frustrated


New member
I've been having consistent issues with barnyard smell for over a year. I've done a lot of troubleshooting via fluff love university and FLU groups on facebook, but nothing has worked. A few months ago, I submitted a post here about the issue and got a lot of suggestions, but unfortunately, the issue has still not been resolved. My diapers are getting ruined from all the bleach soaks, and I'm so frustrated about cloth diapers right now. I would seriously pay a cloth diaper consultant to work with me right now if one existed, lol. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Here is my detailed wash routine (in the FLU facebook group format):
a. Detergent: Tide powder (switched from Gain after last post)

b. For an XL load: for the pre-wash I fill the scoop to the 1 line, and for the main wash I fill the scoop to the 4 line.

c. I use 1 capful of Calgon in both the pre-wash and main wash because of hard water. I used to use Borax, but switched after my last post.

d. Usually about 15 diapers are washed at a time, along with cloth wipes, a few covers, and a wet bag. I check for stew each time with a marked mason jar (as per FLU) and bulk with a few washcloths if necessary.

e. All are fitted diapers and covers.

f. Washing machine: Whirlpool, Heavy Duty Extra Large Capacity Plus

g. Non-HE

h. Pre-wash- Normal, Heavy (12 minutes of agitation, total cycle is 42 minutes)

Main wash- Normal, Ex Heavy (15 minutes of agitation, total cycle is 45 minutes)

i. Temperature for both washes is hot-cold

j. I have very hard water. My test strips say it’s 250 ppm at all temperatures, and a test from a pet store said it was between 150 and 300 ppm.

k. I used to cloth diaper my oldest with zero washing problems, and I had no issues with my second until we moved last June. Ever since then it's been nonstop barnyard smell issues even though we just moved across town and the water hardness readings are all the same. Here are some adjustments I've made since having these issues:

• I replaced the agitator dogs in my washing machine.

• I started rinsing all night time diapers with hot water and wringing them out directly after changing.

• Eventually, I stopped using night time cloth diapers altogether in hopes that I could just get it figured out with the thinner, daytime diapers. Of course, that hasn't happened yet.

• I switched my pre-wash from 6 minutes to 9 minutes, then to 12 minutes.

• I'm following the FL bleach soak procedure, using 3/4 cup of unexpired bleach in a large load.

• I recently stripped all of my diapers and wash cloths using Grovia Mighty Bubbles. I know FLU doesn't recommend them anymore, but from my understanding, their old method should still be effective. Of course I did a bleach soak afterwards.

• I recently switched from Gain powder to Tide powder and from Borax to Calgon.

• I did a "swoosh" test to see if I had detergent buildup. I didn't see any sign of detergent buildup, which surprised me since the Tide powder seems very sudsy.

Other potentially relevant info: My washing machine was bought used and has always been iffy. For example, when I used to use Gain powder, if I used a delicate cycle and cold water, detergent powder was still on some of the clothes after the cycle. Also, sometimes after a load is done, there is a faint kind of bad smell in the washing machine (kind of like a HE machine that's been closed for a while), even though I frequently clean it with detergent and bleach. It's almost as if it's not draining properly under the drum or something (I know nothing about how washing machines work, so that might not even make sense, haha). I've even considered getting a new washing machine. However, as stated before, I successfully cloth diapered my oldest with the same machine for 2 years, and I've replaced the agitator dogs, and the agitation looks good, so I don't know what gives.

Anyway, sorry that was such a long post, and congrats if you made it to the end. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!
@anamarina Does your washing machine have a filter that needs cleaned? What’s the model #?

I’m trying to think of what hasn’t been suggested. It seems you have a top loader and they’re pretty simple things. It’s a boring thing to do, but you can listen through the cycle and open the lid a few times to check on it. It should fill completely with water, make violent swishing noises (it may do this intermittently), drain completely, spin fast to get the rest of the water out, then fill up with water again to do a shorter version of the same for the rinse cycle. If it isn’t doing one of those things, then it’s broke.
@bharati21 There’s no filter I’m aware of. The only part that can be taken out and cleaned is the agitator, the fabric softener dispenser, and the bleach dispenser, all of which I’ve removed and cleaned. Unfortunately I can’t easily find the model number. I thought I found it on the back, but it turned out to be the part number for the panel with the dials, haha.

I’m fairly sure all of those are functioning, but I will double-check. Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion!
@bharati21 Sorry for the super late response... so I checked, and unfortunately, my washer is so worn I can't read the model number :(

I did listen through the whole cycle and checked the agitation visually (the safety feature that is supposed to stop the agitation while the lid is open doesn't work on my machine), and it seems to be working okay! But clearly something isn't, haha.
@anamarina No wonder you couldn’t find it! Whirlpool made their machines basically the same for forever, could probably google a lookalike’s manual.

Kinda jealous of the broken sensor on the lid, can’t forget to close the lid and come back to unwashed laundry.
@katrina2017 I’m using the longest cycle on my machine for the main wash and the second longest cycle for the pre-wash. I‘ll try putting them both on the longest cycle!
@anamarina That sounds exhausting - good for you for keeping at it!!!

I have soft water (a whole other set of issues) so I’m not much help - I don’t see any red flags. Aside from yes - your machine. I cloth diapered my oldest for 2+ years with no issues. I had both in cloth for a while. Then the stink came - and nothing i was doing could seem to change it. Turns out my machine had a small leak on the inside - and despite all my checks, it wasn’t working properly. A new machine solved all that.

I know that’s probably not what you want to hear, but maybe you could try someone else’s machine in your area? Just to have something to compare to??

Good luck!! Barnyard sucks.
@hair Thanks for sharing your experience! It’s definitely possibly my machine was damaged when it was moved or something. That would explain a lot! The idea of getting a new machine doesn’t thrill me, especially since I got into cloth diapering to save money, but if it’s not getting diapers clean, it’s probably not getting other things super clean either.

Do you have any machine recommendations?
@anamarina That’s what I found!! The diapers eventually clued me in there’s something wrong. Then I noticed - hey sometimes the soap isn’t always dissolving in my regular loads. Then I found a trail of water and we really started taking things apart.

I have an LG front loader now - it’s all that would fit in my space. I love the convenience of it, but I still miss my old school top loader. The new one is so nice and gentle on clothes - but it took me FOREVER to figure out a good routine for diapers and other dirtier things. The top loader was so mindless and got everything scrubbed and clean; this one you have to get soap and bulking juuuust right, and then maybe do a bit of tweaking still. And maybe that’s just my machine and my stupidly soft water.
@hair I have an LG HE front loader with very soft water and I’m struggling to get a wash routine that works. It seems super sensitive to the amount of detergent and bulking. What’s your wash routine?
@jazzytorres SUPER sensitive!! It’s a bit of a guess each time.

So I do just diapers, a dime sized amount of regular tide on normal,warm,light soil. (Regular tide was the trick for me. The other soaps weren’t aggressive enough in the stupid gentle machine).

Then I bulk to 2/3 full with any small items (baby clothes, our socks and underwear etc). Heavy duty, warm,heavy soil. I use line 2 of soap - but I add it to the clothes in the drum, not the dispenser (this way it gets less foamy and has more time to wash out). Soap varies a bit - too little and they don’t smell clean after this cycle. Too much and it takes 5 million rinses.

Then - the big trick is all the rinses. I use rinse & spin. The trick for me is getting that rinse, but most importantly removing the water. So I do a rinse and spin - and then swish test a couple inserts. Keep rinsing and spinning as needed until it passes the swishing. (This can be quite a few as you’re figuring out amounts; now I can usually do just one).

Good luck!! Ugh I miss my top loader
@hair Thank you so much! I am also using regular tide now. I’ll try adding the detergent directly to the drum. Also will try the rinse and spin trick!
@anamarina Have you tried just running a cycle of bleach through the washing machine? Not that it’s going to magically solve all your problems but it might help with the smell overall when you use the washing machine. I just did that because our washer is probably at least 20 years old and I don’t know the last time it’s been cleaned.

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