Please help me. My 1 year olds sleep makes me want to literally d*e


New member
I always knew having a baby meant less sleep but I had no idea how difficult it would be. My child is newly 1 now and her sleep is worse now more than ever. I sleep trained her a few months ago but that didn’t help much. She will sleep on her own perfectly from 8pm till 11pm and then screams bloody murder and she will not sleep until someone gets her. Unfortunately we are still room sharing but are due to move hopefully very soon. She’s in her own cot but once she wakes up once she will refuse to go back in again. The rest of the night looks like her waking up constantly and sometimes just staying awake for hours babbling and shouting to herself. Me and my husband are literally losing our minds from the lack of sleep. We can’t get anything done. I find myself being so angry lately, snapping at the smallest of things, recently I shouted at her which I felt horrible about but it’s all getting too much. Everything about day to day life is difficult. She’s been fighting her naps even if I make it earlier or later, nothing works. She hates food and will eat fruit, yogurt and nothing else. She wants to be breast fed constantly, day and night. I think I breastfeed now more than when she was younger. She’s beyond clingy, she will scream as if she’s just been attacked if I stand up to get something from across the room. I can’t do anything. I always thought I wanted a big family because I grew up in one but honestly the thought of another child, I can’t even think of anything worse. We get maybe 3 hours a night if we’re lucky, my husband is struggling to stay awake at his job. I am hating being a stay at home mom, nothing makes her happy unless she’s literally on my lap or very near me and playing her toys. Daily tasks are impossible, I literally scramble during her nap times which rarely last even an hour.
Her current schedule is wake up at 8am, first nap 11am-11:45am, second nap 3pm-4pm (if I’m lucky) and bedtime 8pm.

Honestly she slept better as a newborn. She’s becoming a nightmare to deal with. I dread everyday waking up and having to deal with another day of her fighting me on sleep, food, literally everything. I escape by going to my mums house but it’s just getting too much. I’m literally hating life. Please someone give me some advice what to do.
@pixiexw Hi sorry to hear that. We moved her to one nap and that helped for a few weeks until it didn’t. She still wakes up frequently, sometimes for hours at a time but she is eating better. I wish I could give you some advice but unfortunately we’re still struggling too, wishing you the best, hopefully things improve for the both of us soon❤️
@rome1453 I've found Taking Cara Babies' advice really helpful. I've checked and she recommends and earlier bedtime of 7:20pm, so that's worth trying. Looks like @Incog5ever has given some really solid advice too. I hope you get some respite soon ❤️ is there anyone that can do an overnight for you, so you and your husband can just get one full night of sleep?
@rome1453 Hi. You are not alone. Look up “Split Nights”.
It took me about a month to figure out what was going on with my son. It’s taken a total of over 2 months to get him back on track. We are finally on night 3 of him staying asleep through the night. There is hope!!

1.5 hour naps, twice a day, no exceptions unless she gets sick.

When she wakes up at night, do not take her out of the room or expose her to light.

Stick an arm in the crib or hug her while she is inside the crib so she gets accustomed again.

Start a consistent wake up time. Even if she was awake from 1-4am. If you don’t, she’ll make one for you. You will be EXHAUSTED. Trust me. I know..

Add very basic toys for her wakeful period so you can get some rest. She will tire herself out eventually without you engaging.

Last bit of advice I got:
Do not talk to her and have conversations at night. You can sing, shush or play lullabies. (Dr advice)

And of course the obvious, if all her needs are met as far as being fed and she’s not teething, change a diaper with minimal light if the diaper is full.