Please don’t feed my baby from your plate


New member
My son is 9 months old. My son has severe food allergies that require us to carry an epipen everywhere. One of them is eggs.

We had a potluck at our church today and I set him up in the highchair at the table next to my husbands grandmother and gave him puffs. They’re a safe food and he loves them (even though I know they have 0 nutritional value). The woman 2 chairs down from the baby on the opposite side decided to feed him the filling from her deviled egg. Ya know, the egg yolk sometimes mixed with mayonnaise? It was only a little taste but it was enough to cause him to break out in hives and require us to give him a pretty good dose of Benadryl. (His allergist told us we can’t overdo it on Benadryl. All it will do is make him sleepy). I flipped my shit and told her not to feed my baby food from her plate. Another woman came by and told me that I was being rude and she didn’t know. Fuckin excuse me?! Why would she think it’s okay to feed a strangers baby from her plate?! Maybe I overreacted but goddamn this shit is aggravating.
@1shizueallen1 I flip my shit when someone gives my dog a treat at the dog park without asking first. I can’t even imagine if someone tried to feed my daughter without asking. I don’t think you overreacted at all - maybe she’ll think twice before feeding any other strangers’ babies.

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