Plan B and delayed period? Your experience?


New member
Husband and I accidentally had unprotected sex on the day my app said I was due to ovulate. I’ve never had an accident like this before in my 32 years - I blame extreme fatigue (my LO isn’t a great sleeper). The app has been 1-2 days off before (only since giving birth 14 months ago - before birth it was extremely regular) but even since birth it is generally right on time. Got my period back 6 weeks after birth and haven’t missed one since (despite EBF).

I took Plan B within 2 hours of having sex, but of course, since Plan B works by delaying ovulation, it will only have worked if I hadn’t already ovulated.

Side effects were mood swings and fatigue for 1-3 days… no spotting, nothing else.

Now I’m on Day 2 of my expected period, with nothing… No period, but also a negative pregnancy test.

I just wanna know other ppl’s experience w Plan B. Did it delay your period without any prior spotting? Have you ever tested negative for pregnancy on Day 2 of expected period and then been positive days later?

I know I just have to wait this out, but I’m spiraling a bit and would appreciate hearing other ppl’s stories. Thanks in advance!

Update: My period came! 3 days late which never happens, so I’ll chalk it up to the Plan B having effectively delayed my ovulation and in turn, my period. Thanks to everyone who shared their experiences! ☺️
@godswill414 That all sounds consistent with Plan B side effects. It’s very common to have a delayed period!

Also, FYI for anyone reading this, Plan B is made for women under 175lbs. Over that, it starts to lose effectiveness. Might still work, might not.
@maus It’s weird how much conflicting information is out there!
I googled Plan B weight limit. The first five results all said effectiveness starts to decrease at 165lbs and is no longer effective at 175.
But the further down I scrolled, I found several (equally reputable afaik) sources saying 155. And then some that said it was based on BMI of 25 which (for most women) is higher than any of those numbers. Plan B and the FDA both say weight has no impact on effectiveness.
What a nightmare!
@godswill414 Super normal! It’s a huge dose of hormones. Also, if it did work and did delay your ovulation, your body would have ovulated later and therefore period later than usual. You can take a test 2 weeks after the sex happened to rule it out if you don’t get your period by then, but this is very consistent with plan B and how it works.
@towardsthemark What about my scenario. I took the pill a month ago 2 hours after the incident, then 2 weeks have gone by and i got my period the expected date.
Fast forward to today and now i am delayed on my period a day. I had unprotected sex 3 weeks ago. Although withdrawal method was used.
@godswill414 I was 16 when I took it but I remember it very clearly. I had back pain (the type you get with a wicked period), cramping, nausea, and my period was nine days late. Had those symptoms (+ terror) the whole time.

The rest of my tale, for anyone who is interested: A broken condom was the reason I took it as a teenager. The next time I experienced a broken condom, I was almost 30. I'm due in August. 🥴
@godswill414 Thank you! My toddler is v excited haha

I hope it works out for you! I wouldn't worry until your period is over a week late. They say that under normal circumstances as well. A negative test is a good sign though!
@godswill414 I’d figure that if it did delay ovulation then your period would end up being later since ovulation is what determines cycle length, mostly for people with a regular luteal phase.

None of us know for sure and I would probably test every couple of days til your period starts but if it is negative 15 days after sex you should be pretty much in the clear. Try not to stress, that could just delay things too.
@godswill414 Well, an app is an app. It's not your body. It doesn't know your body.

So you might have ovulated or not.

Wait a week and take another test.

Also, what do you mean by Plan B?
@dlhylton Yup, I’m well aware I may have ovulated or not – that’s why I referenced the fact that Plan B will have only worked if I hadn’t already ovulated.

By Plan B I mean emergency contraceptive also known as the morning after pill. Only works by delaying ovulation - if you’ve already ovulated, it does nothing. If you’re already pregnant, it does nothing.

And yes, as said in the last paragraph - I know there’s nothing to do other than wait it out (either to get my period or to test again).

Not looking for advice – looking for people who have experienced similar to know what the outcome was for them. Thanks!