Period cramps


New member
What do you all take if anything for menstrual cramps. I've always suffered from severe cramping but this is my first period in awhile and I'm so over it. I don't want to take tylenol e ery 4 hours but that's the only thing that will knock it out. (I can't take ibuprofen because it gives me killer heart burn)
@euxene I had good results with raspberry leaf tea as a teen (at least it was more effective than the obscene amount of ibuprofen I was taking). Yoga also helped.

Edit: I should also add the obvious, at least try to seek medical help if it's debilitating. I found my periods are much better since having kids, I know that's not the case for everyone.
@euxene Have you tried any sort of disc or cup? I also get horrible cramping, but using a menstrual cup has helped a bit. Definitely not a magic fix, but I'll take anything I can get.
@euxene Anecdotally I also know that people switching to reusable pads has helped with pain too. Something about the plastic pads or the absorbancy of tampons was making the pain worse. Worth investigating if the disc doesn't work for you
@euxene Honestly smoking weed was the only thing that helped me for quite a while. Obviously a personal choice if you’re nursing, I only ever smoked when past the breastfeeding stage.
@euxene When mine were bad, Tylenol didn't do enough and ibuprofen upset my stomach. I found that naproxen (Aleve) worked really well and is effective 8-12 hours. Try that?

I also did a really intense diet over 2 years to heal my gut with a focus on probiotics. Somehow the cramps went away during that process. That requires a lot of research and preferably consulting a doctor of some sort who can advise.
@euxene Someone told me years ago to stop having much dairy in the days leading up to my period and I'd cramp less. It actually does make a big difference. And ironically I usually crave milk right before my period so I was making it worse for myself!
@euxene The book Taking Charge of your Fertility suggests taking turmeric capsules throughout your cycle, but taking more (and eating foods less likely to cause inflammation for your body) right before you period starts.

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