Percentage of r/moderatelygranolamoms who work outside the home

@reinar Same. I think it’s important to have this as an option because it affects being granola. I still EBF my 15m old but this would not be possible if I weren’t working from home.
@reinar We have a nanny but I still feel like I barely get anything done. The nursing takes up more time than I realize with transitions. And it’s hard to concentrate when I hear him fussing. Then I usually end up spending a lot of time with him at lunch. The time evaporates.
@billie2309 I bet! I would love to have a nanny but our home just isn’t large enough. I think I’d end up with a time sink on my hands as well. It’s hard not to hang out with them when they are home 💕
@mnewlin3 Work full time but half the year. My husband and I own the business so we share work and childcare duties, depending on what needs to be done (I’m do day-to-day and payroll hr, he does all the maintenance and we both do tours/front desk stuff). So neither of us are full SAHP but we also don’t use outside childcare unless it’s my MIL (who also works for the business and gets paid the same whether she is watching our kids or at the cave business)