@suziekingsley My husband once said "I wonder if there's a product that would keep the binky in her mouth." Approximately a minute later he says "don't google that, that product is not for children."
@holyspiritleads2truth My husband and I had the exact same conversation. The absolute rabbit hole of things we found ourselves deliriously belly laughing at that evening!
@suziekingsley Maybe it wasn't a big enough feeding? Mine feeds and falls asleep, then screams because she's not actually full. Feed more and then she's out cold.
@suziekingsley This is exactly where we are. There's nothing quite like the feeling of "ah, they're finally asleep" only to hear a blood curdling shriek five minutes later thay somehow means, I've lost my pacifier when it sounds like, I'm being murdered.
@suziekingsley I keep like 5 pacifiers in the bassinet, she will find one to put in her mouth at night lol unless she goes through all of them and they end up by her feet
@suziekingsley yes almost every night! usually she can get to a point where the binky falls out and stay content, but some nights she can’t go without it for a second. tonight I tried some Tylenol after one of her night feeds since she was really restless and couldn’t let the binky drop, sleeping much better now! I think it’s partly teething for us
@suziekingsley Ohhhh yes this was our routine for the first ~3 months of her life. I would just sit next to the bassinet in the dark reinserting until she stayed asleep.
@suziekingsley mine has now figured out how to take it out and turn it around and start chewing on the other end, but gets pissed that he also cant suck on it. He wakes himself up and is IRATE over it, I feel you