Pacifier Wack-a-mole


New member
Anyone else feel like the middle of the night game of spit the pacifier out and scream is like a game of wack-a-mole.

Just spent 20 minutes doing my ✨favorite✨ routine.
  1. feed —> baby asleep —> transfer to crib
  2. Baby fusses —> put in pacifier
  3. Baby —> spits out pacifier —> cries
  4. Pacifier in —> pacifier out —> cry —> pacifier in
✨ R E P E A T ✨ steps 2-4 until settling point
@suziekingsley This is exactly where we are. There's nothing quite like the feeling of "ah, they're finally asleep" only to hear a blood curdling shriek five minutes later thay somehow means, I've lost my pacifier when it sounds like, I'm being murdered.
@suziekingsley yes almost every night! usually she can get to a point where the binky falls out and stay content, but some nights she can’t go without it for a second. tonight I tried some Tylenol after one of her night feeds since she was really restless and couldn’t let the binky drop, sleeping much better now! I think it’s partly teething for us
@suziekingsley 😂 mine has now figured out how to take it out and turn it around and start chewing on the other end, but gets pissed that he also cant suck on it. He wakes himself up and is IRATE over it, I feel you