Overhead Coworkers B*tching About My Pump Sessions

@sierra98loveretail THEY are the ones who should be embarrassed NOT YOU and I know it's hard to change the mindset when people are being shitty but try to remember that if you can. You didn't do anything worth being embarrassed for THEY DID. ugh I'm disgusted with them.
@sierra98loveretail :( i’m sorry. Don’t let those nasty women affect your pump schedule. Even if you pumped for 20 minutes every 5 hours they’d be rude about it bc of their bad character. Enjoy your time to yourself & pump as much as you want to.
@sierra98loveretail This infuriates me. I used to work in a kitchen where every couple hours the whole damn team would disappear for a smoke break for anywhere between 15-30 mins. I don’t smoke so of course I continued working. But they always made fun of me for taking an actual lunch break. Your coworkers would absolutely be those people having a smoke break. Jerk offs.
@sierra98loveretail Go to HR!!! This is not something they should be bitching about in a common space at work. They may be entitled to feel however they feel but that does not give them the right to gossip about it where others, and you can hear.
@sierra98loveretail Absolutely not. Mamma you gotta report them. You’re working while you’re pumping, which technically, legally you don’t even need to be. You’re allowed your pump sessions. Please read the comments above from HR and the suggestions of how to file the complaint. The fact that their comments pushed you to skip a pump which impacted your health is a serious problem. And it’s not you. It’s on them. Your reaction is NOT the problem. Please know that. They need to be held accountable.
@sierra98loveretail Screw them. Don't skip sessions! When I was pumping at work, I skipped sessions because of the demands of my job (or what I felt I had to do, not pressured by any boss), not even because of nasty people, and I regret it. Got mastitis. Had a bad time 🫠 just worry about what's most important- your baby
@sierra98loveretail I know acutely how difficult pumping while at work can be. I recently filed a complaint with legal when the director of HR walked in on me without knocking while I was pumping. I was SO embarrassed and flustered when she barged into my closed-door office without knocking and proceeded to talk about some trivial issue she wanted to discuss until I asked her to leave while I covered myself. I was exposed and I felt small in that moment.

My company does not have a dedicated pumping site, so I used this opportunity to file a complaint with our legal department, said I felt discriminated against, and what do you know… 2 days later, the company dedicated a quiet room that no one uses to breastfeeding mothers. I specifically said that I knew we were not in compliance with the law and they heard me loud and clear that I was not going to be quiet about this. I have a private office, but if the fucking director of HR feels comfortable enough to barge into a closed office without knocking, what were pumping mothers without offices doing at my company?! I had to speak up for them.

All of this to say… I am sorry you went through this. Fuck these gossipy bitches and remember their issues are theirs and have nothing to do with you. But please, remember your baby. You are a strong woman who wants to set an example for your child. Do not cow to these coworkers and let them deter you from doing a natural and beautiful thing, providing for your baby. Keep pumping and never let someone else’s discomfort deter you. Solidarity, sister ❤️
@sierra98loveretail Prioritize you and your baby, your baby needs that breast milk, they depend on it. Nothing else matters. What others think or find time to gossip about is not a concern here at all. In fact, shame on these losers, attempting to make a mother feeling some type of wrong way… for literally providing the most natural nutrition there is. I pumped for 14 months at work, as long as I needed. Whoever didn’t like it or had anything to say about it (I never cared to notice) can go kick rocks.
@sierra98loveretail You should never be made to feel like you need to sacrifice providing for your baby and feeling engorged and uncomfortable because of other people’s shitty opinions. I’m sorry this happened to you. If you don’t feel comfortable addressing them directly, tell HR. If people have never nursed or pumped they are just ignorant to the effort and time that goes behind it. Technically you shouldn’t even be working during your pump break, so you’re going above and beyond. Keep pumping as much as you need to girl, you’re doing great. Don’t be made to feel ashamed for doing something so incredible for your child.