Overhead Coworkers B*tching About My Pump Sessions

@sierra98loveretail I’d be tempted to join in the bitching. Play the humor card and let them know it’s not like you’re doing it for funsies!!

“Can you believe it took her 45 min this morning?” “I KNOW THESE THINGS JUST WON’T STOP FILLING UP AND MY NIPPLES ARE CHAPPED TO FUCK”

🙃 edit as needed.
@sierra98loveretail they're jealous of what they think is happening, which is you getting private time to relax and do nothing and still get paid. i'm more confrontational, so i would've confronted them because they're wrong and they're cowards for talking behind your back in the first place, but that doesn't sound like your style. report them to hr and don't skip pumping sessions. we're cheering you on!
@sierra98loveretail Don’t ever let another individual make you feel that way, your doing something for your child! Your child comes first, you go ahead and pump and who cares how long it goes! if anything I would be annoying them saying stuff oh man my body is amazing, I can work and make food to sustain a life, what have y’all done today 😂 idk ppl are dumb just don’t listen to them okay. Plus now you know who to stay away from at work! Red flag individuals 🤮, don’t share your life with them good news or nothing!!! They nasty hearted and inconsiderate
@sierra98loveretail This happened to me too, and drove me insane because how are you going to complain that I’m pumping (which everyone hates?) WHILE WORKING? The literal only benefit is that we can go somewhere private to be massively uncomfortable with our shirts off. 😒 so rude. But! Don’t skip a pump! They suck but don’t let it interfere with doing what you need to do!
  1. I'm sorry that happened to you. I do hope you continue pumping and don't let cruel gossip make parenting decisions for you. Telling HR and confronting them are reasonable reactions, but it's also okay if you choose not to address it especially if it's not an ongoing issue. It's your choice.
  2. I'm slow to pump compared to some people and that's a pretty long pump session. It's not a work issue and it's none of their business, but you might see if you can do something to speed it up for your convenience. Thoughts:
  • Have you replaced pump parts? Check your manual - some need to be replaced pretty often.
  • Do you have the correct flange size? Try experimenting with different sizes to see if that helps.
  • Have you experimented with different settings? Or possibly a different pump? If you post her about it, people may have some advice.
  • Are you getting plenty of water and food?
  • I have trouble pumping if I'm not in the right mindset. I'm a teacher and I found I couldn't even grade papers while pumping, because kids missing questions would decrease my output. I could only do limited things - reorganizing my file folders on my laptop worked. Sometimes I just used it as a break time. Looking at pictures or watching a video of my kids improved let down. Related to that, people making shitty comments would SLOW DOWN how long it took me - and I would consider telling them that.
Again, that's awful and I hope tomorrow is better. You should NOT be ashamed. You aren't doing anything shameful.
@sierra98loveretail Keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t skip. You’ll hurt yourself! Keep your milk flowing and don’t mind what they say- report them to HR as suggested. It has nothing to do with them.
@sierra98loveretail This is BS, and I’m so sorry someone said this to you. Also, do you need a better pump or to replace your pump parts? There’s not really a circumstance where an effective pump should take 45 min to drain one breast. You should obviously do what you need to do for however long it takes you, but for your own time savings, this also might be worth investigating.
@sierra98loveretail With the most disrespect to them…F THEM!! You have a right to pump and should never be ashamed! If you’re non confrontational email than letting them know their conversation was not appropriate and you will not be ashamed or stopped from doing something so important and vital for your family! They’re just negative haters! If you don’t comfort I get it but don’t you ever shrink yourself for those clowns! Take an hour to pump if you need!
@sierra98loveretail That’s not ok and I would go to HR and have them squash it. Or ignore them and do what you need to do. But whatever you do, do not accommodate them. They don’t pay you and their opinion doesn’t matter. Hold your head high and saunter into the office with a nice drink! They can’t do shit but talk so don’t let them bother you! Why should you and your baby suffer because of someone else’s behavior?
@sierra98loveretail I’m not sure what I would say if I overheard crap like that but you can be sure it would not be nice! I do not care if I make people uncomfortable or even inconvenienced because of my pumping! My coworkers should consider themselves lucky if I remember to tuck everything back in since I’m doing two jobs at the same time!
@sierra98loveretail I'm so sorry. I know it's easy for us to say to call them out, but I have a private office that is just mine and one of my staff let herself in with a key while I was in there pumping because she thought I was in the break room. I feel no shame in king because I, too, typically keep working while pumping, but I was so so embarrassed when that happened. I know I'm not slacking or doing anything wrong, but I still felt weird. So I'm sorry that happened to you and I think you should definitely talk to HR.