Our baby goes from 0 to hungry in 4.3 seconds

@jah122 Oh yeah we have a 0 to 100 baby. June 2022 here, but our baby has those moments of going from practically asleep to super upset in an instant basically every day.
@jah122 I try to watch for hunger cues. There’s a window of about 3 minutes and if you can stick a bottle in his face in that time he eats nice and calm and then drifts off to sleep and feel like I’ve won the day… for about 3 1/2 hours
@maheshwari These cues work during the day. But at night, I will not have time to use the bottle warmer. It takes about 4 minutes to heat. He will not cry, I feel like he will be shouting at me for not being prepared :).
@jah122 On the flip side, my 3yo goes from starving to not hungry at all after about a half a bite.

I don't know how he's still running most days, but damnit he somehow still has more energy than I do.
@moonstar2024 Same with my 3 year old. She has breakfast and seems to be able to do the rest of the day on pure adrenaline and chaos. Then tops up at dinner, reluctantly.
@jah122 Yep our bub gives no hunger cues other than scream-crying. Getting a feed into her before meltdown feels like an amazing achievement but it can be a gamble as to whether it’s a feed-every-3-hours-exactly kind of day or if it’s a throw away half this bottle of formula day.
@jah122 March 2022 here. Ours was definitely like that. Same for being tired actually; totally fine to world is ending in an instant.

Consistent feed schedule helped us, even at night. We slept in shifts. Now that she's a little older the cues are easier to spot (or we're better at seeing them) and we have fewer hunger tantrums.
@jah122 March 22 model, they say there are hunger cues and that seemed to sort of work for about a week. Then everything went out the window and we just fed on a schedule, every 2 hours unless he wanted to be fed sooner.
@jah122 depends. my 23 m/o girl was always pretty easy. i've seen some kids go bonkers the moment they realize they're on empty. it's all good :p i know i go bonkers myself :D
@jah122 After about the second month you will have more time to read their cues and they won’t be ravenous as soon as they wake up. I do remember vividly getting up with her at 3 am and she’s screaming her head off while I’m frantically trying to warm the bottle lol

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