Opinion on Comfort Item for 5 y/o


New member
Ok so I need everyone’s opinion or potential studies. Long story short: my 5 y/o misses her bottle. She’s been asking for it back (at least once in a while). She’s developmentally appropriate with milestones and no issues. She knows how to drink from cups, straws, etc. She doesn’t have a stuffy or other comfort item. My husband thinks she old enough to figure out something more age appropriate for comfort and the thought of it (a bottle) seems to really trigger him because she’s not a baby. I don’t think it’s a big deal and thought it would be reasonable that we could allow up to one a day because eventually she’ll grow out of it.

The bottle became a thing when Covid hit. She was stuck on it since and we just got her to stop. She knew how to drink from other items and would, but when home she would ask for a bottle and to cuddle with us. My husband was trying adamantly to stop her from using it since. We were successful 4 months ago (well, it was taken away and not given back). He’s worried about it starting again.

I don’t think it’s a big deal if we allow it once a day or even only once a day on weekends. In September I was hospitalized and had to relearn to walk. We had to pull her out of school and change schools. Then we moved and she had to change schools again. Then my dad got really sick (sepsis) (on Christmas) and almost died. He was in and out of the hospital. Most recently, my parents left and my mom is her BFF and most favorite person in the world. I know she’s having a hard time processing things. We talk to her and try to offer other things, but she misses it. What do you all think? I am having a hard time a hard time saying no because the current reason is more about societal norms and what others think. One bottle a day will not hurt anyone and she drinks it like a regular drink so it won’t affect her teeth (move teeth or cavities).
@sviar Personally, I would redirect this. It is only going to introduce tension with your husband and confusion on her end as you’ve already gotten her to stop this behavior. When she asks for a bottle, maybe suggest she pick her favorite stuffy and have snuggle time on the couch with a movie. I think your guilt at the hardships you’ve had to put her through is making you think unclearly. There is nothing wrong with redirecting odd behaviors like this at her age and she will not be damaged by it.