One side or both sides per feeding?

@keke1223 For the first four weeks, baby ate from both sides during a feed. From weeks five until now (3 months), baby only eats from one side. I offer the other side, but the baby doesn’t take it.

My body automatically adjusted to this switch and I don’t ever feel that one side is too full.
@keke1223 I have a pretty high supply, and I do block feeding, just offering one boob at a time for each feeding. Obviously, if she still seems hungry, I'll offer the second side, but that's rarely been the case outside of cluster feeding at the beginning.
@keke1223 First month of babies life my midwife drummed into me starter, main and dessert. I would offer one side, change the nappy to wake them up, offer the other side and then offer the first side again just to make sure they're full. I know it sounds like a lot but it really helped us get into the swing of things, baby was constantly feeding anyway so it wasn't a massive bother.

These days we just do both sides, he will always take both
@svandyrn1 I do the same thing! I usually strip baby naked so he’s more alert for nursing, he nurses on one boob, I change his diaper, he nurses on the other boob, then I put his clothes back on and offer the first boob. Swaddle, then lay him down for a nap.
@keke1223 I usually just do one side until the evenings, when my supply naturally tapers off. If I offer both sides in the mornings, she'll take it, but then just spit it all back up. Been doing this since she was born, and she's 14 weeks now. Been following her growth curve (70-75%) just fine and growing well, so it seems to be working for us.
@keke1223 Until about 4 months, 1 side was enough and if he had both he would promptly spit up what felt like a full boobs worth of milk almost immediately after the feed. At around 4 months when he started getting super wiggly and burning more calories he started getting quicker at feeds and wanting both sides almost every time. Sometimes he still only wants 1 but it's less common. When we do both sides, at the next feed we start with the last side, when we do 1 side we start with the opposite.
@keke1223 My baby never takes the second side really. Sometimes if he gets a bit fussy on one side I’ll try him on the other side. Generally he turns away. Other times he will take some.

He’s growing fine, has actually gone up a few centiles since birth. I just make sure I try and remember which side was the “big feed” or last.