Oh, me? Just screaming into the void

@lifeinone Yes. So much this. The problem is not the actual risk of severe COVID for this age group (which is soooo low), it's that daycare quarantine policies are stuck in 2020 and it's 0% sustainable for working parents.
@lifeinone Yeah, this is a really good point. I think it has to come from the CDC guidelines - that's always what they send us to justify their decisions about quarantining, etc.

I don't blame the daycares as they are just following protocols, but those need to change.

I know it can be a life or death matter for some high risk individuals, which makes the decision very difficult, but the shortening of the quarantine timeline recently is showing a positive direction. (US-based if that wasn't obvious).
@lifeinone Yes, this. I feel for OP, don’t get me wrong. But my daughter’s fully vaxxed teacher exposed her (actually the only exposure she’s had) in the fall. The teacher was going nowhere, just general community spread crap. I missed a conference because of it. If the risks for her age group were higher than they are, I would support. But as I understand it, RSV is more of a concern than Covid. And no one shuts down for RSV. The policies don’t match the science anymore.
@andica2006 we received word that my son has to quarantine for 10 days due to a positive case in his class. So excited to work while dealing with a rowdy toddler!!! fml
@andica2006 I don’t even know where to begin. I know people are irresponsible(having birthday parties with 50 plus guests) so I told my husband I don’t want to send our kid to school for at least 1st week and then see how it goes, at least all the cases will out by then, my husband was not onboard as he didn’t wanted to miss work. He had a pretty busy week scheduled. I took the responsibility and have been managing a kid with full time job with adjusted schedule. Manager is pretty cool about the schedule so that’s ok but taking a toll on me. One of friends kid tested positive. We were terrified. The other friend, she had the symptoms but still chose to send the kid school, while she went out for covid test. Her test came out negative, but look at the responsibility. We are burning our ass off by being careful for us and others and some people don’t have common sense. Now husband is also on board after looking at the irresponsibility and taking turns in the day time. We plan to send him next month, hopefully things will be little better by then.
@andica2006 I'm sorry you're dealing with this. All of your frustrations are absolutely valid and I have similar frustrations in my life but....

I thought the title was referring to something else. My toddler has recently begun asking to go outside so he can scream as loud as possible. Just for fun, he's not even upset. But no screaming in the house. So he literally screams into the void at strange hours.

I was hoping to find similar stories.
@andica2006 This is us as well, home for the third quarantine since early December. It feels like families with young kids are just forgotten. And I feel so bad for my son not having a regular routine and daycare. He misses his friends and doesn’t understand why we have to stay inside all the time. This
article came out yesterday and it’s nice that someone in the news is paying attention to this issue of relentless daycare quarantining.
@andica2006 I just read in one of my local mom groups of a family going on a second cruise. She just got back and didn’t understand why the grocery stores in the area seem empty. Then tons and tons of comments, from other moms, about “it’s just a cold.” I don’t understand this narrative. I feel like I’m in an alternate universe trying to keep my 2 & 3 year olds safe.
@andica2006 Between being sick with his 760th virus this year, a positive case at daycare, and now all of us being positive on the 9th, my 2.5 year old has been home and quarantined since the week of Christmas.

We are going INSANE.

He goes back on the 20th and I feel like if anyone had said that to me I would not be able to control my rage and my head would literally explode. Sending you all the strength to accept those things you cannot change instead of punching them in their friggin throats, OMG Karen has the last two years taught you nothing?!?! A CRUISE?!?
@andica2006 I commend you, I truly do. Karen will get hers, don’t worry. Hopefully her cruise will get cancelled midway and she’ll be stuck in international waters for a minute.
Might teach her a lesson.
@rhodescd Because of the way we’ve been living for the last 2 years, it just stings. It feels like irresponsible and selfish, even though I don’t know the family’s entire backstory. Maybe there’s a REALLY GOOD REASON why they HAVE TO TAKE A CRUISE this week, that they booked 5 months ago, in the midst of the pandemic. But I am not privy to that reason. Thanks for the commiseration 🤝