Oh, me? Just screaming into the void

@daisym It starts to feel like it’s ALL gonna collapse… and then I need to take a deep breath and put Reddit down and shove all the feelings down into my little toe and be the present, patient, caring parent my child needs and deserves. Like we all try to do, every day. It just feels dire this month
@andica2006 We've had two under 4 home for two two weeks. We both work full-time. It's insane. I don't know how much longer we can all do this and not go crazy. At least we can work from home. I feel really bad for people that just miss pay entirely.
@andica2006 Don't feel like an asshole! It's so frustrating!! My husband and I both burned through all of our sick leave this fall staying home with our 2 year old, and as soon as we brought him back to school, we'd see all the other kids with runny noses and coughs and not a mask in sight. We felt like we were the only family making any real effort not to spread illnesses, covid or otherwise. A family taking their kid on a cruise and to Disney world right now is totally nuts and they should be required to keep the kid home for a quarantine when they get back!!
@daughteroftheking84 The school has been enforcing a PRETTY HARD CORE Covid protocol, but I don’t think they can mandate anything outside of CDC/health dept guidance. ECE programs are understaffed, demoralized and in constant danger of closing. They have to walk the fine line to keep enrollment up and the school functional. It’s a clusterfuck for preschool families rn
@daughteroftheking84 Last year, before everything settled down temporarily, that was the law in NY. They eliminated all the travel restrictions and quarantine requirements and there's no putting them back. My daycare center strongly suggested that children be tested before return, but obviously that didn't do enough. My 4 year old's preschool required it for all students and staff. They made it a week before a positive case.
@andica2006 Want to hear something else that's f'd up? I actually was secretly praying that my son's Covid test last week came back positive so that he doesn't have to quarantine in the next 90 days when the next (and the next, and the next) outbreak occurs.

My prayers were answered. It's been 10 days of WFH with a screaming, high-energy, sick (but still no loss of energy) toddler. I also secretly wish Monday wasn't a holiday (MLK, Jr. in the US) because the real holiday will be when he's back in daycare.
@janey84 My daughters class closed Thursday due to a positive Covid case. She can go back Wednesday with a negative test, I’m also hoping it’s positive so we are the lucky ones who get to go to school the next time her class closes. This is the fucked up world we live in.
@andica2006 Meanwhile at Disney Epcot center people are waiting maskless in 7 hour lines so they can buy a gosh dang popcorn bucket and then resell it online for $150. My kid has spent most of his life stuck inside and missing out on countless experiences just for it to feel like the country suddenly decided it was all over. What did we all do this for? I feel like I'm losing my mind.
@andica2006 Oh my god, I feel like your kid is in my kid’s class. She went back to school for one day, after 3 weeks out, had an exposure on that one day, and now they’re closed again for a week. And our older daughter’s school closed Friday due to short staffing.

I took a leave of absence last year because my husband and I didn’t have flexible enough schedules to absorb the absences and closures. I’m finally back and… nope.
@andica2006 My daycare closes every time it reopens. It’s gone on since mid-December. It did not prevent us from getting infected. One by one, every time it reopens classmates immediately get sick and it shuts back down. I was pro-quarantine in the past, but omicron has changed the math and I don’t feel current guidelines have caught up. Now that we’ve had COVID, we aren’t exempted from the next quarantine either. Employers definitely have moved on and this is unworkable for families.
@andica2006 This is why covid must stop being treated any differently in daycare than any of the dozens of other shit kids get sick with. Before Omicron I was all for the precautions but now Omicron is sooooo contagious it’s everywhere and it’s really tipped the scales. Either everything goes on lockdown again, like March 2020 lockdown. Or we accept it and no more quarantines/isolation. It’s not fair that parents with young children are still in the “quarantine” phase when no one else is doing a goddamn thing. People are going to massive sporting events, cruises, theme parks, music festivals, family reunions all totally unencumbered but if your kid is in daycare and has the sniffles, enjoy wfh with a toddler for 10 days.

It just needs to be the standard 24 hrs fever free like any illness.
@lifeinone That’s if you have a wfh option! Many people do not. My husband and I aren’t able to wfh. I have had to take more “sick” days just this year than I have taken in the past 10 years (not including maternity leave).
@lifeinone Because we don’t have lives? I really really feel for you but I work in school 3K-8th grade…. But I work with the 4-5s and my classroom was closed because one of our kids was positive and my coworker during our quarantine is positive and is having an absolute go of it.

I’m a recovering cancer patient and so is my mother and my grandmother is elderly.

My super healthy friend and coworker was in the hospital. We almost lost a coworker last year to C-19 because you never know how it will manifest in its host or which variant you have. Omnicron is going now, during Christmas break one of the 3K teachers had Delta because one of the 2 year olds in her room had it and was in school. It’s hard to keep a mask on the kids and we try our best.

I have never cleaned so much in my life and because of the age group I work with I’ve had to clean a lot. Then I come home to an energetic two year old who if he sits still for longer than five minutes we wonder if he’s ok.

The general public needs the slide back… the staff is doing their best.
@lifeinone My at home daycare's policy has been (almost the whole pandemic) that if your kid has a fever/cough/runny nose not explained by a recent vaccination/teething, then get them tested. If negative and fever went away they can come back. We had one positive kid recently, and he was the first this whole time. No one else caught it from him somehow.