Oh, me? Just screaming into the void


New member
Due to staggered positive tests/ isolation times, we just had to keep my 3 y/o home from day care/ preschool for 4 weeks (12/14 - 01/10). She’s been back a week and I just feel like we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop (aka “the fckening”)…
Today, another mom in the class tells me they’re flying to Florida this week, going on a cruise and then rounding out the week at Disneyworld. I’m at a loss… I can’t tell another family how to live; I also can’t afford to miss ANY MORE DAYS AT MY NEW(ISH) JOB BECAUSE OF NY CHILD’S POSSIBLE COVID EXPOSURE. I feel like an assh
le but…. The other 11 families in our class shouldn’t be expected to take on the risks of one family’s careless choices. But there’s no way around it. And that’s why I’m screaming into the void this morning.
I almost wish she hadn’t told me… I can’t stop worrying about it and worrying changes exactly 0% of anything.
@andica2006 I would be the petty person who would reply to her like “wow that sounds fun! How long is the quarantine when you come back??”

Also fuck people like this in general. I’m pretty sure this is where the cases at my daycare came from too. We traveled once this past year - for my kid to meet family members for the first time - and did a full 10 day isolation before going back to daycare. It’s easy to plan for!
@andica2006 Too bad the school couldn’t make them quarantine when they got back. It’s unfortunate you have to potentially suffer from a family’s stupidity. Although I do question would we be in this predicament if it weren’t for all the stupid people..
@acrosstheocean I agree! At minimum they should have to take PCR tests to return. Our daycare required this after they were closed for Christmas/new years assuming people would be traveling.
@andica2006 This was us last week. Winter break ended on the 3rd. Also the day my toddler was exposed at daycare. A family had traveled to 3 different places and they hadn't tested the child upon return. He tested positive Monday evening. Husband started a new job on Thursday. Toddler spiked a fever on Thursday night. I stayed home (from teaching at the daycare) on Friday with the 4 year old too. Got both of us swabbed for a PCR. Stayed home again Monday, with both kids. Toddler tested positive from that Friday test. Husband got tested during his lunch break with a rapid. Also positive. I'm negative. Got a rapid Monday night, still negative. Went back to work Tuesday, husband worked from home with a 2 and 4 year old for the first week of his new job.
@andica2006 My husband isn't half assing his job, just the parenting while the kids are home with him. They watched way too much TV and the big kid who has toileting issues normally backslid terribly because no one was paying attention to his needs.
@anonymousguy They absolutely should. One of our parents went on a holiday to the Dominican Republic and our school won’t take the kids back without a negative PCR or a two week quarantine.

Mom tried to slide her kid in, had a doctor’s note saying child had been seen … but her daughter spilled the beans in circle time and she was picked up, our classroom was closed and sprayed and we got tested.
@jossystephan Our schools have been closed for 4 weeks. They provided all the kids with 5 rapid tests before the break. All the kids have to show a negative rapid test to go back to school on Monday.
@anonymousguy I agree too. OUr daycare requires quarantining and negative test before returning on a trip. Parents have gotten in trouble at our daycare for this. We had our ***first**** covid exposure this week.
@andica2006 I hear you. We’re lucky because my husband is working from home 100% and I’m at home about 80% right now. We haven’t sent our son to daycare since Dec 23rd. We’re getting daily emails about positive cases in the building, my son’s classroom is fully closed right now due to a positive case actively in the room the other day, and one of the other moms in the room is posting on Facebook about flying to Disneyworld this weekend. These people are why hospitals are collapsing right now.