O-4 conception chances


New member
So this cycle I’ve come down with a cold for the past week, which has diminished our BDing as I haven’t wanted to get my husband sick, even though I’ve been having fertile CM (my cycles are super irregular from PCOS so it doesn’t always indicate ovulation) but we did manage one BD session on Saturday. Fast forward to today, and looking at my chart and RHR it LOOKS like I may have ovulated yesterday on CD13, but I’ll have to wait a few more days to see if that’s true.

How bad are my chances at only hitting O-4 for this cycle of conceiving do you think?

Edit: added chart
@beka_mills Depends on what chart you look at, but I’ve seen several that give O-4 slightly better chances than O-3 (one I saw gave 16% vs 14%). Still not quite as good as O-1 or O-2, but it can for sure happen! I would keep BDing until you see that temp shift.
@kiwigirl007 Lol, my husband isn’t totally on board the baby train yet so he needs to be wooed for sex still, which involves quite a bit of foreplay. Also I just haven’t been able to summon the energy for it either!
@kiwigirl007 Sorry, I didn’t make that clear I think - he wants a baby for sure, but he’s not at the point where when I say “it’s go time” he’s up for banging it out for several days. He’s still on the when it happens it happens train 😆
@beka_mills Ok I need to go find where I read this, but I've been wondering this as well. (DH was sick so we only got O-4 this cycle.)

Anyways what I read is that O-1, O-2, O-3 have like 20-30% chance of conception, while O-4 and O have about 10-12% chance. Definitely not awful when you compare it to other days like O-5 and O-6 which have 0-5% chance.

Off to find the source for you...

EDIT: Here is one of the places I read it: https://www.avawomen.com/avaworld/fertility-calendar/