Now that it is a bit colder I am always confused how to dress the babies

@jeaninmt My 5 month old runs hot, I send him to daycare in a short sleeve onesie every day haha, but I start the car so it's cozy before we get in, and I cover him with a blanket so he doesn't get cold from the house to the car or the car to daycare. When I take him out of his sea the is always nice and warm, but not too hot. Babies can't wear jackets in the car seat anyways, so the blanket keeps him cozy and safe!

At home he usually wears a long sleeve onesie and pants because we have an old drafty house and he is perfectly comfortable.
@jeaninmt We were always told that it’s important to make sure baby is not overheating, and you can feel their chest or back to get a sense for how hot they are. A hot or sweaty chest/back would indicate overheating. 15-22C actually sounds really warm to me. I only had one layer on my baby until it got below 15C. Around 10C I might have a fleece jacket and a hat on baby. 5C and below I start to really bundle up baby in a fleece bunting. But that is my comfort level and my baby; your results may vary.
@jeaninmt So I am in canada and I keep inside my house at 22 in the winter (20 at night). Baby is usually in a long sleeve onesie (body suite) and fleece pants and socks. Sometimes in footie pajamas, but that’s not quite as warm. I might add a short sleeve bodysuit under it.

ETA I try to make sure I am not bundled up more than him. I want to have an idea of how warm or cold he is. I als don’t like the one more layer than me. At 22C, I need a sweater and my spouse is in shorts. One more layer than who?
@jeaninmt I live in NYC I feel the struggle, the first time I went out alone with my 2 month old twins it was 35 degrees Fahrenheit outside and I went crazy trying to figure out how to dress them because I already had 2 layers and I was still cold ,how the heck will I know if they’re warm enough or not?! They can’t talk to me!

So I just settled for a thicker onesie, leggings,thick socks, a hat ,some gloves and they had a blanket plus their car seat has a cover so I tried to not open it that much and we survived the outing lol
@jeaninmt I always felt babies chest and back of nevk/upper back. If cool add another layer, if warm you're all good, if sweaty take off a layer. It's so hard to know! You're doing great Mama!
@jeaninmt I live in Scotland and "taps aff 20" means as soon as its 20 degrees you can go outside with your top off we think it's that hot lol. I wouldn't consider this 'cold' for a baby. They'll be fine, in a vest, sleepsuit and blanket.
@jeaninmt Both my kids run warm so I just check their core temp (put my hand on back or chest) if it's warm to the touch but bit sweaty then they are wearing the right amount of layers. If it's cold they need another layer. This generally means they're wearing the same amount of layers as me cuz I run cold and they run hot.
@jeaninmt We have pretty mild winters here. I generally dress my baby in pants, bodysuit (long sleeve or short sleeve depending on how cold it is) and a sweatshirt. If I’m going to carry her then I’ll put her in bunting similar to what you linked to. If we’re going in the stroller, i looove the 7am enfant bebepod. It’s perfect for the mild winters here and she is always so cozy in it.
@jeaninmt Similar weather to where I am at the moment - at 22C I’d do short sleeve bodysuit with light pants/leggings, at 15C I’d do long sleeves and pants with socks and add a blanket if it’s windy. 12C or below I’d add a jacket, the suit you linked I’d consider at temps below 10C.

I do think people tend to overdress babies, mine would be roasting in a fleece in temps above 15C ha! I always check how hot he is by feeling the back of the neck.
@jeaninmt The one layer extra rule is meant for the first week or two after they’re born when they’re not yet able to regulate their own body temps. After that, I just dress my baby in as many layers as I’m wearing and monitor to make sure they’re not sweaty or too cold.
@jeaninmt You can buy jackets/coats for baby btw, a bit of a hassle to put them on (as with many kinds of baby clothes) but I always put a little coat/sweater of some sort on my baby when it’s colder outside. About 10-15 C around here.