Non-plastic cloth diaper brands?

@jayrashman Pockets are going to have the most polyester touching the skin of any cloth diaper type (I guess a polyester all in one is basically equivalent) because the pocket lining is all synthetic, even if you stuff the pockets with natural things like cotton prefolds. If you use prefolds and covers, or fitteds and covers, at least only the cover contains synthetics. If you want no synthetic fibers you could do prefolds and wool covers.
@nessa76 I've sewn my nicu baby some pockets with cotton velour as the inner lining, so not entirely true. Though I've yet to know how well they'll work lol.
@alexa0225 Ok well your homemade diapers aren’t exactly accessible to op lol. But someone else commented that thirsties makes a product to ops specifications. However it’s definitely not the industry standard for pockets.
@jayrashman If you go with prefolds or flats with covers and use a snappi to hold the prefold then you would have cotton completely touching babe.

I've heard of some diapers that are "natural", I know the Thristies brand does all natural all in one's but I have no experience with those.

The other natural option is to use wool covers (I do this), if you wanted to completely cut out plastic.
@jayrashman The only way to completely avoid polyester would be to use wool.

The vast majority of diaper covers are made with polyester and either a TPU or PUL backing.
@jayrashman If you want no plastic then pockets are not going to work for you. They do make cotton pockets (I know Thirsties does and I think there is one more I can't remember) but they all have polyester outers that will touch baby at some part. But if you're okay with just the outer being.

If you want to go for plastic free diapering, wool covers can be lanolized to contain and repel liquids. My favorite is Babee Greens with a fitted underneath, it's just so easy to use, but just now I put my toddler down for a nap in a Green Mountain prefold with wool Babee Greens shorties. There are a lot of options for wool systems, Puppi diapers have an all-in-two type system with their covers that sort of works like a pocket-- they have a snap-in insert that you can stuff with your absorbency of choice, and it's all natural fibers. And alpaca covers can be used similarly but doesn't need to be lanolized at all-- check out Lunapaca. They even have metal snaps.

All those covers need to be handwashed though. I know there are wool companies that make machine washable covers, like Bumby or Wild Coconut Wear, but they contain an amount of spandex, so that's a little bit of plastic.
@jayrashman I haven’t started cloth diapering yet (baby due in May) but when I was researching/shopping I had similar concerns. I ended up buying all GMD prefolds and workhorses. I did get a few TPU covers and I’m planning to DIY (or maybe buy when I realize I don’t actually have enough time) a few wool covers. Granted I have no idea if this will end up working out for us but this is where we’re starting!