Non-plastic cloth diaper brands?


New member
I am a first time Mom looking to cloth diaper my baby. It is important to me to minimize plastic in our babies life, especially plastic touching the skin. I am hoping to use pocket cloth diapers. I got a huge lot of free cloth diapers (about 75 diapers), and I am super bummed to see the Bum Genius Original 5.0 & the Alvababy’s are all polyester inside (touching the baby). What brands should I be looking at that do not have polyester touching the skin? Thanks!
@jayrashman If you wanted to make use of the lot you got, you could use pad folded cotton flat inserts or prefolds laid on top of the pocket covers (not stuffed inside the diaper). So basically, use them like cover wraps. This way the synthetic fibers will contact the sides of the hips. If you use flats you could even fold them with wings so the cotton fabric wraps around the hips.
@jayrashman The Lithuanian brand Responisble Mother (both her own website and etsy) sells hemp/cotton pockets with wool covers. The only plastic she uses is for the snaps.
@jayrashman Haven’t had my baby yet, but I’ve been researching this. So far I have bought Esembly cloth diapers, Thirsties Natural pocket diapers, and Pannolino Bambino Cotton Wicking Jersey pocket diapers to try out.
@jayrashman Just want to put it out there that you may or may not end up needing a stay-dry layer at some point, and in my experience, the wool ones (the only non-polyester ones I'm aware of) do not work at all. Natural fibers was originally a big part of my motivation for cloth diapering but I had to let go of a lot of the ideas I had about it once I realized the reality for my child was that she needed a synthetic liner to avoid having constant rashes to the point of open sores. I don't want to dissuade you or suggest that your plans won't work, but there are so many things with parenting where we have to be flexible, otherwise we would all go insane. But hopefully your child won't be like mine and you can use all cotton against the skin!

Thirsties Natural Pocket is the only pocket diaper I'm aware of that has a cotton liner. Otherwise flat/prefold/fitted + cover (PLU or wool) is the way to go. Folding flats and prefolds is a lot less scary than it seems imho!
@silvamay Those don't really work for severe rashes due to wetness in my experience/what I've also read online. They're more for mild rashes or for people who just don't want to use any diaper creams.
@jayrashman If you want only natural fibres touching the skin and you're married to the idea of the pocket diaper, I like Thirsties Natural Pocket Diaper. It's a one size diaper with an organic cotton inner. Thirsties inserts (hemp) are my favourite.

If you're not married to the idea of pockets, you may like fitteds and wool covers.
@jayrashman Some people gave you some suggestions, but you might find that wool covers (if you aren't vegan) with a cotton diaper underneath may be your preferred option. It would be worth looking into and getting one (used works great even if they have some wear!) to try out.
@sarahdosher I second this! I got a whole variety of diapers when I had my first and thought I would prefer the convenience of pockets, but I found wool covers and cotton flats a million times better.
@jayrashman You might consider cloth fitted diapers like the workhorse diaper. They're super easy for daycares to use and you can easily use either a regular polyester cover from your donated stash or a get some fancy wool covers for maximum no-plastic effect!
@athanasius1007 I think this is my answer for pocket diapers, thank you! I knew they had to exist. I know the best option to minimize plastic is probably prefolds, but I am intimidated by prefolds and worried about daycare rejecting them.