No S.I.T.B.A.C.K. after 5 months?


New member
I just read the TCB 3-4 month guide and the ABCs of Sleep. My babe just turned five months so I thought both might be helpful. BUT the SITBACK method is not included at all in the 5 month guide? So just completely disown that?
@mariajo We dropped it and just switched to Ferber. We built his sleep foundation on TCB which I think helped immeasurably,

Also, around 5 months they bump up their wake window so make sure you’re keeping them up long enough. I realized way too late that he wasn’t tired enough and as a result fought sleep.
@estherrising This is good to hear. My baby is 15 weeks and I’m not sure we’re fully in the regression yet (probably means we aren’t). The B step is the only one my daughter really responds to — as long as she has it she will fall asleep on her own. I haven’t had to do much paci ping pong but the other steps often just upset her. We implemented everything TCB mentions and wasn’t sure it was making a difference, but your comment gives me hope that it wasn’t all for naught even if she’s not the perfect TCB method role model.
@atmosttheson Yep! I found that he responded well to a prolonged T versus A would wake him. Adjust it to what matches her needs.

Our regression wasn’t the typical “wakes up every hour,” but I attribute that to a strong sleep foundation thanks to TCB. He really fought sleep for a week so we did whatever we could to make sure he got quality naps: nursed to sleep, rocked, held, etc. Now he’s back to his normal ability to self soothe.
@huntbchsocal I think at 5 months the thought it that the babe has all of the tools to put themselves back to sleep. We started ABC at 5.5 months. To be honest when we go in during the check ins we do the sit back in condensed form, binkie, rub back, turn up white noise if needed. We are now only doing the 5 minute check in and we are getting 10-11 hours of straight sleep, one feed and back to bed for another hour.
@huntbchsocal I read both as well though only late, when LO was already 4.5 months, so we went straight to ABCs of Sleep. The way I understood it is that SITBACK is like a precursor, a way of giving the younger child a chance to gently learn to self-soothe. They are that little bit younger so require a bit more intervention. During ABCs of Sleep, I would solely focus on the new sleep plan, because it’s all about consistency now.
@huntbchsocal IME, they are not compatible with each other. Abc’s has a different procedure for wakeups/crying with the pop ins. However, if you choose to delay starting the ABC’s, you can continue to use SITBACK.

We waited until LO was 7.5m to do ABC’s, and used SITBACK successfully until then. He actually started STTN at around 5.5m using SITBACK, so we really only used it occasionally/rarely when something woke him. Once we started ABC’s though, SITBACK was done.