No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

I feel like if my 6 month old could run he would be running lol. This baby is at his first level of x games mode (as DH puts it) he is moving his limbs like crazy, but pushing against me as if he will just float towards the ground. He's found his voice and loves yelling and screeching. He's eating his hands and trying to take that wet hand and "pat" more like hit me in the face I dodge him lol. He's constantly blowing raspberries like omg just spitting everywhere. It's like we are a hyper little baby. Idk why I thought I had more time of him being a content LO who just wants to be cuddled and held and even tho I still have that I also have this hyper little boy. Wild

Anyone else's baby living in X games mode? 😂
@monsieurhauddennifels Same. Mines 7 months in a week and not crawling yet. He can either get up on his hands or up on his knees. He understands that he wants to crawl, just not how yet. Instead he Superman’s aggressively at whatever it is he wants to get to and hopes someone moves him. And I have to say, even though I’m not a fan of being spit on, watching him attempt to blow raspberries is absolutely adorable.
@ladyestellarose 😂😂 it is so cute, and like sometimes it's like perfect comedic timing if that makes sense. If one of us says something corny or dumb that baby breaking the silence with a raspberry is super funny. Mine wants to move but he is not close to figuring out how lol. He is stubborn he can roll but sometimes will refuse to do it 😩 and he doesn't get up on his knees if he's in a position that allows him to he'll try to be like hands on the floor and the feet on the floor like he's making a bridge. So idkk what's next for us lol
@monsieurhauddennifels Brought back a memory for me.. LO was maybe 6-7 months, and I had taken her with me to an NA meeting. Someone had just finished sharing something heavy and the room got quiet.. Cue the baby blowing a HUGE raspberry. I felt so bad, but it was really hilarious!
@ladyestellarose once they start crawling, i promise you, they turn CRAZY, like x games mode times 100. the amount of time my almost 9 month old has yeeted herself for the fun of it like scared me shitless and her ass is over here like woooooo basically 🤣🤣. she pulls herself up on EVERYTHING, if she's ballsy enough, she'll seem to forget she can't walk and try to walk towards someone/something and just bust ass, and as soon as she looks up she LAUGHS. she gives both her dad and i, and everyone else heart attacks on the daily. i ask my friends all the time where did my baby go bc this is a whole new child now 😂😂😂
@monsieurhauddennifels Going through the same thing here. My daughter will be 7 months on the 31st and she is an absolute monkey. She crawls all over the place, cruises on furniture, climbs in and out of her rocker, and is just generally on 100 all day every day. We finally got a baby gate to block off the kitchen and while I’m in there she stands at the gate bouncing, blowing raspberries, and licking the bars.
@thomasroane Before baby if you told me this I would just be like "awww how cute" 😂 and even tho that all does sound cute like woah your baby really is on x games mode. 6 months old and she can crawl and stand wowwww that's crazy! And you must be running around wild Omg. I hope after being on 100 all day she sleeps well for your guys to get some rest
@monsieurhauddennifels We WERE getting good sleep until about a week ago when her first tooth poked through, now it’s not quite as good 😛 I’d still say we’re lucky though. She only wakes up once or twice a night and often sleeps in until 9-10am. I’ll take it 🥳
@thomasroane She's also getting a first tooth! Omggg okay your baby seems advanced! She sounds like an amazing little babe good job mom and dad! I'm keeping my fingers crossed she keeps that late wake up time for you guys! My lo also sleeps in and I gotta say I love ittttttt. Me and him don't want to be up at 7am at all lol

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