New here & losing hope


New member
I’m 5’0 and 320 pounds currently and for context, I’m a 33f married to a 33f.
In my TWW for IUI #2 (after a 3 years of failed at home attempts with a known donor.)
All tests (labs, HSG, etc.) have all come back clear/normal. I do have hashimoto’s but my thyroid levels are usually pretty decent and my RE isn’t concerned at this time.

Just wondering if anyone here has BMI over 60 and was able to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy?

Could use some words of encouragement/hopefulness as I’m feeling a bit negative after trying for so long and not feeling this is gonna be the cycle for us either.
@candimarie I’m 400 something pounds 😂😂never thought I would say that out loud I’m 7 months pregnant and 33 weeks and we have passed every test every appointment he’s been healthy and he’s still healthy and we’re still doing great 😊 and I’m due after January due feb 7 also I’m only 4”8 in height hope this helps
@johnnymax Thank you!! Even if you’re the only reply it gives me some hope to know that it is possible to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy even with a high BMI!

I am so happy for you that your pregnancy is going so well and your little one is also well! Congratulations and wishing you a super smooth delivery! 🙂
@candimarie Im 23 weeks and im 366 lbs. 350 when I got pregnant. I have PCOS and needed fertility treatment/IUI to get pregnant. Baby is measuring perfectly and no concerns. Due to my PCOS I’m being labeled as having gestational diabetes which is a bit of a pain- but I’m managing.
@ayanda PCOS alone shouldn't label you as gestational diabetic. Did they do the glucose test for you or is it more a precaution? I have PCOS and had a doctor try to tell me I was inevitably going to have GD because of my PCOS and that just isn't accurate. I only ask because I want to make sure your provider isn't mistreating because of broad generalizations about PCOS.
@tfsm So I did a different test than the 1 hour glucose drink because I had stomach surgery and can’t tolerate the drink. I was slightly elevated. Tracked my sugars and it was ok- but I’m already taking metformin for my PCOS so they said that was combatting the GD effects of high sugars. I was hopeful that I wouldn’t need to worry about it- but it is what it is.
@ayanda Gestational diabetes is rough, so sorry you are having to go through with it 😭. I have PCOS and had to do the glucose test twice each of my successful (3) because each doctor wanted to make sure I didn't just have regular diabetes 😒 my 3rd doctor finally actually explained the reasoning behind why I had to do the glucose test early on and later in my pregnancy. I wish a doctor had just asked me because I monitor my A1C pretty heavily and have never failed a glucose test and that drink is so gross lol wish I would have only had to do it once each pregnancy.
@candimarie I’m 32 years old, 52 BMI and I have PCOS. We went to a reproductive endocrinologist, prescribed letrozole, got ultrasounds to make sure the dosage was working, then moved on to 3 IUIs with no luck. We had to stop seeing the doctor because of insurance issues and it was getting so expensive.

I mentioned that we were still trying after two years to my OB and she prescribed me Metformin, it literally worked within the same month. I was pregnant! I’m 39 weeks, due on Christmas Day. We were to the point where we weren’t planning on having a baby. Maybe speak to your doctor to see if Metformin would be right for you, but I wish you the best of luck 💕
@christfollower1995678 Congratulations!! I’m so excited for you and wishing you a smooth delivery! A Christmas baby is a dream of mine! ♥️ I’m not entirely sure how well I’d do on metformin because my blood sugar is always normal and A1C is always perfect but I can ask my doc about it anyway.
@candimarie I’m 30 weeks and BMI 56. My only complication so far is slightly elevated fasting blood. Baby boy is doing well and measuring in the 24th percentile.
The biggest perk of my weight is that we’ve had more ultrasounds. In total, I’ve had 7 so far.
@candimarie I’m 36, was approx 330 at time of conception. I was 365 (BMI of 53) for the first year we tried. We had Metformin (both husband and I) were on it; but it wasn’t helping our weight issues, insulin numbers or pregnancy goals. I started mounjaro, as did my husband, and we got pregnant within 3 months. Strong recommend if you can get on the semiglutide. It just helps.

As soon as I got pregnant, I was switched back to Metformin. And by the way, my A1C number after just 3 months of mounjaro dropped me below borderline diabetes numbers. It really is a miracle drug.
@bidgeeboy I’ve definitely looked into those meds because I’ve seen how well they’ve worked for others. Unfortunately I have an epilepsy and almost all of them have contraindications due to lowering the seizure threshold. I think mounjaro was okay but my doc refused to prescribe it because I have never had blood glucose issues or an A1C out of range 😕
@candimarie There’s a GP out there or a weight management doc out there who will give it to you, assuming it is safe for your seizures. At minimum, Metformin is safe both prior and during pregnancy and I suspect would be safe for you otherwise. It’s also crazy cheap. We did see a fertility specialist at one point who told us that just upping our Metformin could help. We didn’t end up trying it, we did the mounjaro instead.