Need to know if I’m wrong

@gettokimono The only reason he knew we went pumpkin picking is because my daughter was texting her step mom when we were on the way & my daughter told her. Which totally fine idc about that at all. Otherwise they wouldn’t have known honestly unless my kids brought it up when they were with him

I wasn’t aware of any plans they had at all when they were going where they were going because it’s not my business because it wouldn’t matter to me when they went pumpkin picking

I can only talk to her because he won’t speak to me so he has always made whoever he is with communicate for him so I have no choice
@msmia Yeah so to answer your original question, you are not wrong at all. They are being very petty and controlling. I would really work on this communication issue though, because if it isn’t in the parenting plan that he can have his wife handle all communication with you, then he really needs to be the one talking to you not her.

I would send her a message back saying “I did not know pumping picking was so important to you and I’m sorry that the timing was distressing to you. I hope that all of the kids enjoy carving the pumpkins together. I know we have handled parenting details in the past but I would prefer to speak about the kids with (his name) moving forward. I will be sending him an email outlining how I think communication should be handled moving forward to best serve our kids. I am always available by phone to either of you in case of an emergency, but from now on I will not be responding to topics that aren’t specifically outlined in the parenting plan.”
@msmia That’s totally weird she texted you saying that. Especially since you won’t have a lot of time with them this month. She should understand that you are the MOM. You should be able to do holiday things with your kids alone.

You’re saying you don’t have much time with them this month because they have a vacation planned and then their regular set time with dad? I’ve seen other parents switch their weeks then, if possible. Like if he says he’s taking them on a vacation for a week then he gives up a week so that you can have a week with them… if I’m explaining correctly.
@elena5050 Yeah I really don’t know why I needed to be told that they went pumpkin picking without our kids because I went first. It was honestly just to make me feel like shit. Because I then had to apologize to our kids that they won’t get to experience it with their brother & step sister..because I know our kids were told it’s because I went first & I ruined it. When mind you I had 0 idea they had plans of going the next day even though it honestly doesn’t matter who goes first in my eyes. It’s just petty

Unfortunately he is very uncooperative & not really willing to flex things around & if/when he does do it I get berated with all of his thoughts & feelings about how I am a burden in his life. But I won’t get it directly through him I’ll get it from his wife because he cannot be a man & speak to me
@msmia I’m really sorry about this. I saw other comments about boundaries and they are right. You guys have to establish boundaries or it will always be this way. They seem ridiculous, honestly. Have you thought about taking it to court and getting a schedule established?
@elena5050 We have scheduled parenting time with our kids where we have them certain days & all that. Honestly with him it’s just whatever he says goes & if I fight back at all or try to have an opinion or a say it gets shot down with 40 reasons why it’s his way & that’s final. I can never ever get a word in & when I do he interrupts me & belittles me