Need some advice


New member
I am 11 days late with my period. Had sex Dec.11th w/ condom and pull out, no tears or rips. That cycle my period came 8 days early (Dec.31) and only lasted 5 days, normally my cycle is 7-8 days long. It was light/ to medium flow and normally it’s medium/ heavy. This period worried me so I took several pregnancy tests after 2-3 weeks of the initial scare and all were negative. It is now Feb. 18th, and my period is 11 days late. I went to the gyno and got a transvaginal ultrasound where I found out I have a simply cyst on my left ovary & that my endometrium is 1.9 cm thick. The past week my boobs seem to be bigger and have been so sore.

I have a birth control packet that I got after my gyno appointment but was planning on starting it the Sunday after I get my period. But since my period is now 11 days late my friends are telling me to start the pill to try and regulate my period and shrink my cyst.
@mlm146 You’re not pregnant.

You can start your pills whenever you want, but if they were prescribed as treatment for your cysts then sooner may be better than later. If you start off your period, you need to wait 7 full days before it’s effective and if you start on the first day of your period (might be first 5 days, see pamphlet), it’s effective immediately. It also doesn’t need to be a sunday.
@rjl Thanks!! I got the bc just to be on it as a precaution of not wanting to deal with pregnancy scares! Thanks for the reply!!