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So me and my girlfriend had s*x last night without a condom for the first time. I didn’t ejaculate in her but i’m really worried if there is a chance of her to get pregnant from premature ejaculation. I’m 17 and i don’t want to have kids yet. We are not sure if it is a good idea for her to take plan B as it is quite dangerous for her hormones etc. Please give me an advice.
@autocannon If you had unprotected sex, even without finishing inside of her, the benefits of plan b outweigh the risk. it is not a dangerous medication. I would recommend plan b and always always use condoms if you don’t want to get pregnant
@autocannon The pullout method is 78% effective with typical use over a year. Plan B isn’t dangerous. She should take one and you should wear a condom if you don’t want to get your girlfriend pregnant. She should test 3 weeks after sex for a definite result.
@autocannon Plan B isn’t dangerous. If you’re that worried, then she needs to take it. Don’t have unprotected sex.

Also if you’re uncomfortable with spelling out the word “sex”, then you don’t need to be having sex.