Need advice on living opportunity on horse property.


New member
Single mom 10-year-old daughter we own a horse we rescued and it cost 3000 for training board and everything to keep him currently

Learning a lot from the program I’m in with him from one of the best trainers The barn itself isn’t the friendliest and after being there for 6 months now still haven’t become friends with other horse owners that would be down for a simple trail ride. My daughter is in full training there and her dad pays. FF to now and I have found a place where it’s 5k a month house horse zoned in the neighborhood. It has 4 bedrooms and 4 stall next to an equestrian park w arenas. Met this girl who is in film and owns 2 horses. She called me up and said she wanted to move in “and help us with the rent and stuff” with her boyfriend of 2 weeks. She has already claimed half of the rooms and didnt want to be on the lease. The landlord said it’s mandatory for them to fill out applications. She has a 580 credit score but her new boyfriend has a 800 score. She also told me that her and him are unable to come up with a deposit leaving the burden on me to come up with. I’m reluctant to move in though and risk them breaking up and boning out leaving it up to me alone to foot the entire rent. This place is perfect tho and it would be nice to have someone else there to help get to know the neighbors and area. I always dreamed of waking up and having my horse in my back yard. Any advice? I just don’t feel confident if she’s living such paycheck to paycheck and how hard would it be to make them leave if they didn’t pay rent

FYI-We pay 2700 currently for our 1bd apt that’s way too small
@larryt42 Not gonna encourage anyone to move a 10yo into a house with an unknown man. The chick seems flaky with a bad credit score, reluctant to be on a lease and the sort of breezy attitude about moving in with a bf of only two weeks. Odds that she breezes right out and leaves you holding the bag financially seem high based on this post. Hang in there and a more stable opportunity to have your horse at home will eventually happen but this does not seem like a reliable situation
@larryt42 I say this as someone who owns a few horses with daughters who have their own horses and are involved in barrel racing.

This is a terrible idea.

I understand the love of horses and the attachments, but your family's financial security should always come first. From a financial perspective, this would be a terrible decision.

From a parenting decision, putting your daughter in home with an unknown man is insane.

As a parent, you must confront reality, and it doesn't sound like you are doing that by entertaining this idea. You really need to accept what you can and can not afford that provides the best benefit for your kid. This idea is not even close to being a good decision.