Need advice about son who acts immature 24/7

@megan1969 First, I need to say I am a mother to 3 boys, and my 15yo acts like this as well. Not the throwing things, but constantly trying to annoy us/push our buttons (especially his younger brother). I have ADD/ADHD and so do 2 of my kids, so I recognized it right away as an ADD symptom. Now that he's medicated, as long as he has his pill, he is much better at regulating these impulses. Good luck!
@megan1969 Agree, must follow through on punishments. I think a lot of teens (boys) near that age have trouble communicating (attention, fear, anxiety, excitement, embarrassment) We have sat my son down (13) with his sister (11) and we have them talk. She expressed how it makes her feel and then he mumbles an excuse, but that's where we help continue the conversation. Also, we push for them to spend more time together, to hopefully build better emotional bonds (hopefully, lol)

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