Need advice - 8/9 weeks and bleeding w sch, potential mc?


New member
38 female here with second pregnancy going sideways
We had a scan at 7.4 weeks measuring behind
But it was quite early so after the initial bummer of it I concinced myself to hope
An sch was found on ultrasound of 1.4cm x .4cm x .4cm

We are going for our viability scan follow up today, but over the weekend I had spotting, then real red when I wiped, then it stopped. I thought it’s just sch. Then last night I had back pain and more significant abdominal pressure (not pain in abdomen just back pain) and a few moments when blood/ liquid trickled out of me, maybe 5 times over two hours, and I had a clot in three pieces that looked like deep red jello. Pain subsided after that, a bit more pressure, then nothing notable and I was able to fall asleep.

I’m just curious if anyone has had pain with passing of sch and had things go ok somehow? I am feeling as though the back pain is pretty definitive that this is a miscarriage in progress, but I guess I’m looking for some hope if there is any to be found.

I’ve read a ton of the posts on here about sch and I’m grateful for them!
@rainysunflower I am going through this too and went to the ER yesterday. I will say I’m pretty sure your SCH is very small. My doctor said cramping is a sign of blood expelling from the uterus
@yackleen Thank you I hope the best for you.
The findings for me are miscarriage in progress
I believe the pregnancy never progressed beyond 5 weeks 5 days of growth so it’s just take about 4.5 weeks to begin leaving the uterus
At least I was prepared with the early ultrasound a few weeks ago, i already took a week to come to terms with the pregnancy likely being over and now it’s just about managing the state of things and taking care. Wishing you health ❤️
@yackleen No i wish I could read the tea leaves - wish I had gone for an ultrasound on Friday before the bleeding started so I could have known the state of things then. In my case it’s possible the sch caused a poor connection/but orients and oxygen supply to the embryo so it never grew, but those who’ve seen a heart beat I would think the sch is just a weird coin flip thing of implantation. I recommend thé Natalie crawford as a woman podcast discussion of bleeding in first trimester highly
Went to my ultrasound and the tech wouldn’t say anything that she observed
Pretty bitchy considering I had described all the bleeding
Obviously if there were a heartbeat she would have let me see it right?
But limbo anyway
My ob isn’t in the office and the reception advised me to go to e r as did the receptionist at the family doctor’s office (my doctor also wasn’t in office today) jeeze
@rainysunflower I have an US today too because of a SCH. Mine is bigger than yours. I’m wishing you the very best and that you have more information soon (and positive updates). I’m already pre-nervous about the tech not saying/showing me anything. I know they’re not supposed to, but sometimes they do. It’s hard not to spiral.
@rainysunflower I just got back from my US. Tech was an oddball and very awkward. I told her I was very anxious and nervous and she didn’t say a word. Last time they showed me the HB, this time she didn’t show me or say anything.
@bicyclerepairman So Sorry to hear that the tech was weird at such an important time for you. Just our luck, eh?
All we can do is hope and honour the life of our little chosen egg for however long it is with us, whatever comes of the long road. I really feel weirdly privileged to have had this experience, though I think you can tell I got bad news here on my end.

Strangely enough after the US I went straight to emerg where they had access to the US report even before my family doctor somehow? I’m in Canada btw. Anyway I waited a few hours and had blood work (went because my ob receptionist was concerned about checking on my blood loss etc) and got definitive bad news about this pregnancy but at least I know what I am dealing with a miscarriage now.

It has been quite a self guided tour of this side of female health. Been through a lot today. My take is: women’s health matters when there is a full term cute baby tacked onto it but women’s health is under considered when it’s in the invisible corners of domestic labour like growing the baby (even if no baby comes of it) in the first thankless utterly exhausting trimester, but that’s another post for another day.

I’ll post some thoughts and updates tomorrow :)