NC maternity leave for father?


New member
Not sure where else to ask this but I'm getting conflicting answers...

State: N.C.

I started a new job in May. I have accumulated 5 days paid time off. Wife and I had a baby 2 days ago. I haven't been to work since Tuesday. I'm on salary but don't get paid in full unless I make at least 40hrs / week, and when I go over 40 I don't get overtime...?(Not sure how legal that is itself)?

I haven't agreed to use my PTO yet. And I have not been getting many answers on what my options are as far as taking maternity leave as the husband.

How much time I qualify for (if any).

Was told I need to be with the company 12 months before I qualify. Is this true?

Any other criteria for qualifying / disqualifying me from being eligible for maternity leave?

What are the options here?

Who do I talk to in my company? (H.R. hasn't been much help).

Do I need to file any paperwork? (N.C. USA)
@rosenberg My head administrator assured me multiple times verbally that "we will work with you" "Take a couple days here and there, space it out, etc."

Nothing in writing. No number of days discussed. And she has been known to throw people under the bus for no reason.
@gracemercy2017 North Carolina has terrible labor laws, even for the United States. You’re probably SOL, but you can get unpaid FMLA. I’m in PA and we’re not that much better than NC for labor protections tbh so that’s the rout I will be taking.

Edit: re-reading your post, having started your job four months ago FMLA is probably not on the table tbh, which isn’t your fault this country is shit. Good luck