Naming issues with mom... How do I revisit this with her?

@hiyall I do have a 10 year old from a previous relationship. His initials are C.I.A. I worked security 3rd party for a federal building for a few years.

This isn’t a random thing that I just tried to do. This was talked about. She knew the intention and there were no ill feelings from her on that subject. Her exclamation was, “You’re gonna kill me with your nerdiness.” It was very obvious in the joking tone she used that it was a funny comment. As a kid I always thought it’d be cool to have initials that were tied to an acronym. Every kid has. Well I feel they have. My son thinks his initials are cool. He also wants to be a cop when he grows up. This is all factual. And I’m going to introduce my little girl to comics and if she ends up liking comics then it’s a bonus. If not, she will feel like her initials are just initials like everyone else.

The statement of, “one of a males first connections with his child is the name” stands tall in this situation. Bonding is bonding. Having a way into your child’s life is key. “Sit down baby girl, I want to talk you about how and why I gave you your name..... ...they stand for justice, honor and peace. And that’s what we strive for internally as well as externally. Always do right by the next person. Be kind and compassionate. But stay true to the freedoms granted to you. And help others.

What parent wouldn’t be proud to have their kid turn out awesome?

It’s not decision taken lightly. At all. My madness may be chaos. But my chaos is an eloquent dance.

Edit: Spelling errors
@justwantin2fellowship I hear you. I want you to connect with your daughter too. I'm glad your girlfriend accepts and loves your nerdiness. But I also want to make sure that our head isn't so clouded by abstracts that we can't see what's going on with the actual people around us.

Is the hill "I made a cOoL AcrOnYm and get to give this speech I wrote about truth, justice, and the American way" really the hill you want to die on?

And I hear you about the cool things your 10 year old is doing, but those are irrelevant to the discussion. We can't evidence our way out of people's feelings. We have to talk to those people and tell them how we feel in a non-accusatory manner. We need to know if they're acting in good faith and, if so, to then treat their ideas with respect.

Your kid is going to turn out awesome because you are going to be involved in her life, not because of a name with a comic book reference.

Anyway, what would Superman do?
@hiyall Unfortunately I know all too well what the big guy would do.

Step 1: Express himself
She ignores him
Step 2: Try again
She does it again
Step 3: Cry about it
Step 4: Try one last time
She is still ignoring his request
Step 5: Explain that he understands her wants but that she is taking away what he needs.
Step 6: Destroy all that threaten his child....
Realize that step 6 was a day dream
Actual Step 6: Give up, bury it deep down inside and let her have her way.

I had responded to another commenter where I explained that what I wanted was out the window at this point. That I had told her to drop all names I came up with, including my last name because 5 names is just waaaaaay too much. I rather her have a shorter name than for it to be that long. I rather give up what I want so that she can have a decent name.

So I have already done what Sups would do. Because that list is what I did.
@justwantin2fellowship Wait, your picking names based of initials and the justice league ? Or that’s a joke? If your serious I’m sure she knows that and is not including you because she’s trying to figure out if she is on board with what your trying to do (doesn’t sound like she is )
@ja38son I understand your reasoning. I have responded to others with more information that would happen to assist in your understanding. I actually appreciate the rational thinking. If I didn’t have a deeper meaning than just the comic was wool... I’d be concerned too.