My toddler eats like 8 things and I don’t have the energy to do anything about it

@dmhanson511 We make one family dinner, LO gets some fruit on the side. Most times I’ll try to make something I know she likes as part of the dinner, but sometimes she only eats the fruit and that’s ok. We do a 1 bite rule, more often than not she may go back for a second, especially if there is ketchup to dip in. Try ketchup, kids are so gross they love it so much lol
@dmhanson511 Mine goes through phases. There was 2 months or so where he ate maybe 5-6 things regularly. I believe a lot of it was teething. He’s now getting his 2 year molars and back to being “picky”. Prior to this, he was eating a much more diverse diet than he was at 18-20 months
@dmhanson511 Always great seeing everyone else in the same boat here and all the advice. You are not alone! My 2 year old is really picky and only eats carbs. It was worse when he was teething - pretty much just yoghurt and cereal. We just cycle carbs, offer our food and try to get some form of fruit or veg in. I have no energy to make him special dishes just to get rejected every time. He's really in to dipping at the moment so trying to incorporate that