My personal experience with changes in my training/workout regime while pregnant


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I was looking at my polar history just out of curiosity and nostalgia, and figured I’d share my trends and personal experience on how I modified my training during pregnancy. I’m currently 34+2 and just counting down the days.

Background on me: I’m a relatively competitive masters rower that raced regularly prior to pregnancy. Prior to getting pregnant, I rowed 6x/week on the water, averaging about 80k/50 miles a week, and averaging about 10 hours of training a week. I also weight lifted 2x/week so some days would train 2x a day.

First trimester (winter - Jan to end of March - all training conducted indoors):
- Immediate drop in volume - I sent from averaging 10 hours a week to averaging 4-5 hours a week.
- Immediate drop in intensity - the week prior to getting pregnant, I spent the majority of my effort in zone 3 and zone 4 heart rate zones. The week when I found out, I spent most of my time in zone 1 and zone 2.
- Immediate change in activity. Indoor Rowing was extremely hard and I couldn’t breathe and had 0 endurance. I was able to switch to my erg bike and still lift without too much modification.
- kept the weights the same for lifting (145 lbs for sets of 3x10 deadlifts, 85 for sets of 3x10 front squats, etc)

Second trimester (April - beginning of August - most training conducted outdoors).
- this truly is the golden trimester!
- I resumed practicing with my team 3-4x/week, which meant waking up around 4:30 AM to be at practice by 5.
- increased total volume by about 2 hours, averaging about 7 hours each week.
- majority of work was spent in zone 3 and zone 4, but speed was SLOW. Aka I was working really hard but not really going anywhere and that was a mindfuck.
- had to stop rowing at 28 weeks when I no longer felt comfortable in a single (they can flip and getting back in would have been tricky)
- continued weight lifting but weight dropped significantly - deadlifts were now 95 lbs, squats now 40.

Third trimester (August to present)
- cut out rowing all together
- intensity of exercise is way way down. Most time spent in zone 1 and zone 2.
- what constitutes as active has changed - most of my “workouts” are longer walks, easy indoor bike rides, and prenatal yoga/Pilates.
- total volume of exercise has increased to 7-8 hours but again, most of it is really easy.
- focus is just to move everyday in some capacity.

I hope this helps for those just embarking on their fit pregnancy journey! And again - everyone is different!
@hu1tz Amazing! Good for you for listening to your body and modifying as needed. I’m nearing the end of my first trimester and have been so beat by It I’m taking literally anything as a win in terms of movement. Everyone says 2nd tri is where it’s at, so I’m hoping that is the case and I haven’t morphed into too much of a potato in the last month and a bit to let that dictate my way of being for the next 6! Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy and delivery!