My new washing machine just got delivered!! šŸ˜


New member
I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant and planning on cloth diapering. Our washing machine was 18 years old and died in grace. She was washing fine up until the end and had to be repaired only once. But ultimately the on-switch completely broke off. I called the repair company and they said this part can't be ordered anymore. They even looked through their part collection but didn't have it. When the lady told me the news she said: 'You don't even sound that sad. I think I just heard you giggling.' She is right. I'm not sad at all! We just got a tax repayment, so it's not breaking our neck financially and it's just wonderful timing!

So, my new machine can do 8 kg, but saves water automatically if I put in less. It can spin faster, but I can decide the spinning speed and all other parameters individually. I read about it and it's supposed to wash just great. It's the same company our old machine is from, so hopefully it runs a long time as well.

Sorry for the bragging. But I think you guys can relate best, why it is so wonderful to have a new washing machine. Most if my friends will think I'm a weirdo if they would know about my enthusiasm about a normal household machine.

And here it is:

@kdm1984 I can relate, I'm due in a week and I just brought back a massive bucket of non-scented detergent of a specific brand that came highly recommended in the local Swedish cloth diapering fb-group. We had to drive to a farm shop to buy it and my fiance wasn't really thinking it was worth it.. And then he looked at me like I was insane when I started rubbing my hands together exitedly as he hauled it into the basement. šŸ˜‚
@kdm1984 If you havenā€™t had a front loading machine before be sure to keep the door open between uses and clean it once a month with Affesh (or a similar product)! I learned this the hard way LOL
@kdm1984 Congratulations! We bought a house last month that didn't include the washer and dryer, and I was SO EXCITED about picking my own out. Doing laundry, especially diapers, makes me giddy.
@kdm1984 Yay for new machines! I just got mine yesterday and I love it! My old one lasted me neigh on seven years and that was a second hand cheap one. The ball bearings were worn out and turned out to be rusty. As soon as it stood still for more than two days the drum wouldnā€™t turn anymore.

My new one has a 7-year guarantee on it and so many cool and convenient programs :) Now only to figure out what works best for my diapers...
@kdm1984 Can't get quite this excited about a new washing machine because I'm still TTC but I am about to go and pick up my new magimix food processor and it's like Christmas. So many attachments!! šŸ˜ƒ
@katrina2017 That really also sound awesome. I looked into them and some of them are price wise pretty close to a new washing machine. But admittedly much more versatile! :)
@kdm1984 The idea that it will still be going strong by the time my currently not even conceived children grow up and leave home so it's an investment... Have fun with the washing machine!
@katrina2017 Yip, that's quite similar to the washing machine. The old one would have turned 19 in September and my oldest son is 16. So we didn't quite make it but almost!
@katrina2017 Yip, our dishwasher is a Bosch too.

We were so happy to find a model that wasn't quite as deep as most. Our bathroom door is so narrow that most machines don't fit. And we actually had to have the bulleye unhinged to get it through. Puh!
@kdm1984 Honestly itā€™s the little (even tho this is a big machine) things in life!! Iā€™m so happy youā€™re happy about your new machine!!!! Itā€™s truly a good feeling especially that late in your pregnancy. I am happy that itā€™s probably a huge relief off of you as well!
@kdm1984 Congratulations! I think we have the same washing machine- we got ours a couple of weeks ago and it works great. I understand your excitement!

I changed laundry powder the same time as we got new machine and the nappies came out so much cleaner, Iā€™m ashamed to say I didnā€™t realise they werenā€™t getting fully clean with our old detergent and washer! I hope it works as well for you as well.
@har_habayit Thank you! That sounds great. šŸ˜€

I will be switching to powder detergent for the nappies. Right now I'm using liquid for everything. But I'm still undecided which brand to use. But I'm in Germany, so brands are different here.. We'll see, I'll just try some I guess.

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