My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

Picture it: the year is 2052. My child is 34 years old. Twitter has been rebranded “MuskRat”. I’m relaxing in my La-Z-Non-binary, reading the latest squeaks, when his wife sends me a MetaVerse Virtual Reality thought message. She’s complaining that he’s got a minor cold but he’s being a whiny pill about it. I laugh and MVRTM her back “I know… but he’s your problem now! Have fun!”
A summer breeze drifts in my window, bringing with it the reassuring chirps of the radioactive sewer rats rummaging through the trash heaps. I sigh contentedly. I am at peace.
@scienceaf I want the utopian fully automated luxury communism version, where her son works a 3 hour shift at the e-bike factory, and her daughter in law is the chief HVAC technician for a polycule of catgirls.
@peppermint_patty Solidarity sister. My kids infected me, I feel like the balled up snotty tissue I’m currently clutching, meanwhile they were sick for 48 hours and are back to terrorizing the neighborhood (doc cleared them don’t worry) while I’ll be sick for a week and a half because I gave them all my antibodies. May God have mercy on us all.