My intro post... O_o


New member
Hi guys! Never thought I would be here that's for sure!! And I have NO idea what to do next as I never thought I'd get here! (In the UK here btw).

This was our 12th cycle of trying. Next month we were going to go back to the doctors. But holy shitballs batman... THIS HAPPENED!!!

Ironically, this cycle I took no OPKs whatsoever, I don't temp anyway, we just BD'd 2 days in a row before O (which I only knew happened cos of it's been pretty consistent & cos of damn mittleschmerz). I was actually beginning to think I hadn't O'd, since I got none of my usual symptoms that happened after, heh. I had no sore boobs at all up until yesterday, and they are getting worse today. Feel slightly queasy too :\ I'd been a bit more highly strung with PMS.. I had a breakdown at work and couldn't stop crying for what seemed like forever, over something trivial.

I still haven't changed from my old doctor. Sod's law that is. Takes two weeks for your records to transfer over or so. But this is the kick up the arse I need to actually go hand in my application for the one nearer to my house.

I actually can't believe I am writing this.. I keep looking at the tests I took this morning. And the FRER line just keeps getting more pink and more dark!! AAAAAAHH!!

Edit: I forgot to say: I saw a squinter at 10dpo but thought it was evap. 11DPO it was definitely there but questionable and the camera wouldn't pick it up well. Today at 12DPO the line was definitely there before 5 mins on both the FRER and the cheapie, and that is when I started shaking. I grabbed the digital, and bam, pregnant 1-2 weeks. It is then I was shaking and crying and generally having a meltdown. I took the tests at 6.30 am here. No way in hell can I go back to sleep now and I have the dentist at 10:30 for a filling. Arg.
@lovingsheep429 AHHHH!!! Omg omg omg!! Welcome and congrats and I'm so excited!! As soon as I saw your username here my heart skipped a beat!! I'm so excited for you, congrats again :)