My fiancee's milk is in before mine! So happy! <3 (X-post from /r/BabyBumps)


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(This is a x-post from /r/BabyBumps - original thread found here: )

So as many of you may know by now, my fiancee is transgender (MtF), and this has been such an exciting journey for us both. While she has only begun HRT about 6 weeks ago, she immediately began taking domperidone with everything to induce lactation as well in the hopes that she MAY be able to possibly breast feed at least a little bit at some point. Well........... it worked! We were on the pump last night and she was able to start expressing, even before me!! We were both so excited, and you ladies have been sooooo supportive of us.. I just had to share this amaaaazing news!!!
@eagle57 Two lactating mommies for one baby? So you can both legitimately take on night duty? You will be the envy of so many exhausted women. I would have killed for someone to take a shift those first few months. Kudos to you!
@keath Yes, it'll be nice having some help with night duty, but to be honest it's really not going to make a difference because to keep both of our supplies up, whichever of us isn't feeding needs to be pumping, so yeah. Still gonna have longer nights :p
@eagle57 First of all congrats. Secondly, I don't want to spoil the fun of anything but I ran across this about male lactation a while back. I'm not sure if it still applies to transgender or not. Maybe contact the user, as he/she seems to be very knowledgeable on the subject. I'm positive your situation has already been cleared by your doctor, but in just in case I want everyone involved informed and safe. :) good luck. And hopefully there's no problem.
@jctvcbn Thanks for the congrats. As far as the link, thank you for sharing. Tbh many people do have this concern, and that's why we consulted with our doctors and why I recommend ANYONE do the same. Not to take anything away from the credentials of the person who made that post, but sexology can be a little different than endocrinology, pediatrics, and OB, and without any sources siting the information they were offering, we still intend to follow the advice of our doctors. One thing I do agree with you on though is it is soooooo important to stay informed and stay safe. So again, I can't stress enough the importance of talking with doctors first before beginning ANYTHING.
@eagle57 You are so nice. I'm happy your doctors are on board. I really wish I had a second pair of breast. I was so very disappointed when I couldn't produce enough for my baby, but I'm still giving everything I have to him. As I say it, he get his meals for a bottle but snacks come from mommy. I wish the three of you the best of luck in all your breastfeeding endeavors.
@eagle57 That's awesome! Oh how I wish I would have thought of it with my wife. Then I would not have so much pressure with making milk, and latching problems. You guys thinking about donating the extra if you have extra to have?
@blueskies94 Honestly, I had issues with not having enough reserves with my daughter the first time around (we had to suppliment with formula if we wanted to go out), so we'll probably be keeping it stored in the freezer for nights out or when family wants to have her for a few hours. I don't think my fiancee is going to be producing a TON of milk, so I'm not expecting a huge reserve.
@eagle57 I saw this in /r/babybumps already, but it's still just so damn cool. It's awesome that you're going to both enjoy that bond with baby. The only concern I have is the milk is on supply and demand, and if one mommy isn't around you might end up with a bit of an undersupply if you've been taking it on equally. One or both of you might need to hit the pump pretty hard depending on your work/childcare situation. Good luck!
@dlkoch Luckily her work is making arrangements with her to pump on breaks, and we've basically come to the plan of whoever is bf at the moment the other will be pumping that way we can avoid the undersupply problem. That's the plan at least :p
@eagle57 Fantastic! Way to go to both of you! What a fascinating story. I hope it continues to come in for your new baby.

Also, I know an adoptive mother (female) who was able to stimulate lactation with the help of skin to skin contact with other babies for a few months before her adopted daughter was born. She doesn't produce a ton, but certainly enough to be used to soothe her baby when she needs to. If you have any close family or friends who have babies, you might consider trying this, too.

Again, congratulations!