My colleague likes to comment on my pumping. He doesn’t know I’m going to be his boss starting in October

@luvgodforever That's possibly passive aggressive behavior. Maybe not. I sometimes am oblivious to how my comments may be taken. It happens. Maybe he is trying to be friendly?

In either case, you need to address it, kindly. "Hi Thad, I notice you make comments about my activities during the day. Was this intended to be passive aggressive?"

That is usually enough to stop it. You must understand that someone who is passive aggressive are that way because they are too shy or uncomfortable to be someone who is aggressive (that's more my style, I don't do passive aggressive, I'm just aggressive, lol). So once you bring their behavior into the light for examination, they are gonna back off pretty quick. And if not, just ask politely for them to stop, but I've never found this step to be necessary.